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While I'm at Niseko this trip I'm thinking of spending some time at Moiwa, I see that there is a free shuttle service between there and Hirafu.


What's Moiwa like/ I'm guessing that being that close to Annapuri that the terrain would be similar. Is it best to go after a fresh fall of snow?


Any advice welcomed.

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There's a new owner now and I think the shuttle will be running. Moiwa is a fun little mountain but it is little. From the top lift you can walk up out of a gate and access a very nice bowl. Off to the left side of the lift there's a very nice gully that offers some good terrain and there's a fair amount in between these main features. Definitely worth a day out there after fresh snowfalls.

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I have spent about three days over there at different times, I always have a hire car so I can get around and not have to rely on shuttles, the Moiwa area has some of the best powder to be found and very few people tracking it out on the best days. There is some great steep runs on the summit if its open, I was playing up there in very deep untracked powder a few years back.


They sell a four hour ticket for about A$32

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I looked at the apartments and while they were nice they were over priced and the deal was terrible. the management, booking and other charges were around $25,000pa and you could only use your apartment 2 weeks a year in ski season.


Effectively you bought an apartment that the management company took all the profit from and they told you when you could use it. In other words, Time Share and they made all the money.


I did the numbers and it was a total con. Moiwa apartments shold have been very cheap, available to live in or rent at the owners pleasure and managed in house at a maximum of 20% commission and a basic change over fee. All up around $6-8000 max.


Summer bookings would most likely be next to non.


Much better deals to be had.

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