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Reading about the spate of protests in America over Obama's plan to reform healthcare got me thinking, why exactly are Americans so against a National healthcare programme? For me I believe that healthcare shouldn't be only for the rich and should be for all. Sure the NHS in the UK has its problems but if you are sick, you go to doctor/hospital and they fix you, no questions asked. Surely its best that everyone can stay healthy??

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Don't think Americans are - its more a case of how much it would cost them in additional taxes over the year. And considering that each individual state, designates its own budget towards the current Medicaid system, and not the US government, it could be possible that each state would have to then decide on how much each person would have to pay.


Also, the politicians are being supported by the medical insurance companies, with kickbacks and benefits to make sure that they don't lose business to the medicaid system, and you can bet they if they change the boundaries of the Medicaid system, then you can be sure that the insurance companies start to kick up a fuss.


In all honesty, am surprised that free healthcare is not part of the US constitution.

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I think it is more that the Democrat suggested it, if you chat on American forums you find that every idea that is not a Republican idea is bad according to a Republican.


The idea of no access to healthcare is strange to most developed countries, The Aussie Medicare system with the choice of private insurance works pretty well.


Travel a little in the US and you very quickly realise the quality of living is a lot lower than you see on TV. Wages are almost third world level.

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Not really, actually I disagree.

in the States:

Cars including second hand is cheaper and the quality is there ie) What costs AUD5000 is about $1500

Goods are cheaper and the quality better, made in the US not China.

Cheaper to play, ie) One skydive costs minimum AUD40- is $20-

There are always cheaper medical centers if there is a need.

That's my experience from going to Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, California, Arizona, Texas ... being a bit more than a tourist.

sure, I like the Aussie lifestyle and not being paranoid having to carry a gun all the time.


Medicare in Australia is a good system but it really is a waste of time and money when you have to go to a general practitioner and get a referral when you need to go to a specialist.

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No I didn't pay for insurance. I don't believe in it either.

Th government should have a non-profit insurance scheme.

I fractured my leg from a botched base jump, and went as a private patient. They even got me crutches for free provided I return them after use.


Not like the hardware stores in australia where you get the illusion that you have choice in the product when all is made in China. There are made in USA products. Same here in Europe. There are made in Germany, Swiss products. Even it has the same manufacturers tag some of the cheaper products are made in China. You know what I mean .. some Sony are made in Japan, some made elsewhere..


Tell you what. I had to get insurance here in Germany as a condition for getting my visa (not now since I've married) and I was paying 50 EUR a month. I broke my elbow and probably that came close to 900 EUR. Insurance told me last week that they limit the maximum payment to 400 EUR per incident and said they are prepared to pay for 250 EUR I paid for the bracers. Still 250 I have to pay out of my pocket.

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But insurance is based on odds, and one party will always make a profit. If someone doesn't use the health system, then the government is "winning" based on the odds they are using for that person at that particular time.


It should be a tax based system where everyone pays the same percentage amount of their salary.

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That's true ..

but also, I'd rather the government make the money and re-invest or add to their assets rather than letting corporate executive make millions and the government making money from tax, and politicians getting donations or directorships later.

I think it is actually a pretty bad system when a nation has to rely on tax only.

I think at least education and insurance could be a government enterprise.

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And how stuffed is this.

When you really need the insurance, the company is always looking for loopholes not to pay .

Have a aussie friend who claimed his car insurance after an accident. The investigator reported fraud and only because his mum worked at a high management position that it got rectified, siting "What! you calling my son a fraud?"

His recommendations, don't get insurance with them. Never trust a smiling girl on TV.

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Jynnx I'm not really sure if you are for or against free health care, BUT I think that Insurance companies should not be the primary care giver, people should be able to go to a doctor/hospital whenver they need to with out fear of wondering how to pay for it. Quality health care should be a basic Human right not a lifestyle choice

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It's great to have free basic health care for sure.

It'll be great if we can have free emergency hospital and dental care ...

damn, you break something in your body, or have a tooth ache, you need something straight away ..

Quality health care. mmm... I'm not sure if we really get that, or what quality really is.

One can be a doctor, but there are quacks around. My neighbor got killed because the doc didn't do a basic check for his complaint , lower back pain for a year - spleen cancer. Finally he found out but too late. Had a few weeks left.

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Yeah of course, Doctors unfortunately are humans and are prone to failure. By Quality Healthcare I mean easy access to a healthcare professional who is able to sort you out with the care needed to make you better, whether its medicine, referral on to a specialist or an operation. Not someone who is pushing one drug companies line, not someone who asks if you have cover before deciding which medicine to give you and not someone who operates out the back door of a shop.

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It will be great if we can have the choice, not going to GP to get a referral.

Also alternative included.

Most western medicine treat the symptoms, but I do see a bit of a improvement to the doctors approach these days, and its better. Probably the New Age thang had a lot to do with it.

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