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Getting a 3 year old to smoke

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Anyone else see this on the news about a woman getting her 3 year old to smoke!


WHY?!?! This is not a rant against smoking, just someone whose brain seemingly isn't in place.


News from various papers this morning: "Woman who let son, three, smoke is sentenced"


How on EARTH do you get your three year old to smoke a fag? I can't get my three year old to do up his dufflecoat buttons, never mind deftly handle a naked flame. But apparently, according to a witness and a video of the son of Kelly Marie Pocock - whose name even sounds like a cross between Kelly Marie Tunstall, and Vicky Pollard - he lit up on his own, and looked like he'd been smoking for years (well, I'd put money that he got a bit in the womb).


On another occasion a friend of the mother's found him hiding under the bed, smoking a fag. Which, whilst obviously completely and utterly horrifying and not funny, is just a tiny bit funny, like something out of a Harry Enfield sketch.


I always remember Martin Amis, in his memoir 'Experience', talking about how he and his siblings were, on Christmas Day, allowed a glass of whisky and a cigarette as a special treat. Something more likely to turn your children into lifelong smokers (as indeed Amis has been) I couldn't imagine. But that was back then, when doctors used to advertise them. Now every child is inundated from birth, with fierce anti-smoking messages, and so they should be of course; too many of us have lost friends and family too early to nicotine. Although I don't know about you: I sometimes get a little uncomfortable with how strongly the message is rammed home. My three-year-old came home from pre-school the other day and said,


'Smoking is DISGUSTING'.


'It is' I agreed.


'People who do smoking are REALLY NAUGHTY'.


'Well, no, they're not,' I sat down to explain. 'Sometimes people start and it's very difficult to stop, or sometimes people smoke for different reasons. Cigarettes are yucky, but people who smoke aren't yucky. The trick is not to start.'


He thought about this for a moment and I congratulated myself on maturely making a point.


'When I am Spiderman,' he announced finally. 'I will whack them all'.


I'm honestly not trying to raise a fascist.


Kelly Marie Pocock received a suspended sentence, but really, what could you actually do with her that would help - a full brain transplant? She has subsequently attended six parenting classes, however. Is this likely to help? Do they teach you not to smoke with your kids in parenting classes? Perhaps it comes just after the section 'Don't Let The Baby Drive Drunk'.

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Never ever smoked a ciggie, I7ve always hated them. i remember being a kid and I wouldn't even like to touch the packet, my mum would ask me to pass them over and I would scrunch my sleeve over my hand so i didn't touch the packet!! lol


i was a weird kid!!

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