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The best way to say no to charity

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What is a polite way to get our of being pressured into spending 20,000 yen on some good cause / charity event? My company has been asked to sponsor the event, for the small amount of 20000 yen. Basically I want the boss to say no because we don't know these people and basically budget it tight.


I was wondering in Japanese how you might say no without offending the good cause people and looking tight.


And - would you pay?

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ohhhh boy!

That can be tough. Depending on the situation.

Is it valuable to your company to actually be involved? Like, do you get any publicity for the involvement? Most of these things provide a list of sponsors which is advertising for the firm.

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Honestly, I try to look at or get a feel of their operational overheads before considering a charity. I want as much of my donation go to the intended instead of being eaten up in admin and skims.


For instance a community charity here eats up 98 cents in the dollar in "administration" I don't give to that "charity"


Such figures are very hard to find, and mostly hearsay I might add. So I could be completely wrong about the above case. But when you have gala nights for socialites and gov officials in order to raise funds for grass roots, it sounds abslutely tasteless and insensitive.


Come to think of it, I give quite regularly to the Joackey club charities.

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I have to agree with you y.o.s.


It gets up my nose when you are approached in your home - telemarketing and door knockers asking for charity (or even trying to sell you stuff). I don't mind letterbox drops, or tin shakers/stalls in shopping centres, but my home is my castle - my refuge, and to invade THAT right on dinner time - well you are just asking for me to say NO!


I had one old fellow ring the intercom/bell on a Sunday morning bright and early asking for donations for the 'disabled children' ... I was bleary eyed, woken from my sleep, full of flu, in my PJ's and quite staisfied with our level of chosen benevolence (we DO do a lot as a family/business/individuals - but for our chosen causes - and some of those for disabled children!), so I said "no, thank you, not today". He walked away (possibly unaware that I could still hear him) saying "what kind of a person....blah blah blah..." I almost went out there and coughed my germs on him - self absorbed old fart!


We do get a lot of requests through the business - and we usually do something for each of them, even if it is not a huge amount. But there should certainly not be an expectation that because these groups ask that you will automatically (or are obliged to) say yes.

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