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The official ARGUMENT thread

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To save choking up all the other threads with people just trolling for an argument, I thought I'd start a thread specifically designed for the purpose.


I'll start the ball rolling if you like.



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Funny Mantas, I was actually thinking of doing the same thing! We need something to argue about though...


How does it work? When we feel a fight coming on do we put a link to this thread and let rip in here?




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 Originally Posted By: tsondaboy
lol.gif I love Monty Python

No you don't.... lol.gif

Theres a rather funny poster (but very un-PC) that would suit this thread. I am not going to post it, but if someone wants to, just google: arguing on the internet on images..... wave.gif

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must get more personal.


tsondaboy, your acquistions are puny.


you stumble around these forums like some superior god-like structure. STFU already.


bedtime, my a$$. How's your greek this week?


(btw, nice anime avatar. how old are you?)

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 Originally Posted By: samurai
must get more personal.

That's fine by me camel breath!

Well this is just dandy isn't it? I start a serious thread dedicated to interlectual converse to try and orchestrate some conflict resolution, and what do I get????

Some grade 4, school yard taunting and non-subjective idiotic banter carrying out by a bunch of stupid,bedwetting,nose picking, arse scratching, flea infested PILLOCKS!
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Did none of you watch the Video I posted in @ the start?


This has turned into the "Abuse" thread.


Now, One could argue that an arguement may be derived from abusing someone for the sheer sake of causing an arguement, but as defined by wikipedia:



In general parlance, an argument is a discussion involving conflicting points of view.


So far there has been no conficts between points of view, because everyone thinks everyone is an idiot...




Ok, I think you are all amazing, wonderful people.... wave.gif

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no-one thinks everyone is an idiot.

Has anyone stated categorically that ALL the people in the ENTIRE world, are idiots?

I think not, ergo, your argument is flawed.

Ergo, i win. :p

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