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Originally posted by Mr Wiggles:
It's great to see someone post more than one line!!!!

You've got a lot of points there Tesselator.
Thank you. I thought so. Still do.

Gender relations in Japan are certainly very different to the west, but this current issue has nothing to do with Westerners sticking their oar in. Based on what my missus and her mates say, the original problem is the word "machine" (he said both "kikai" and "souchi" (device/apparatus)). They reckon it was rude enough to the blokes' own wife, to say nothing of other women. They didn't seem to have a problem with the "child-bearing" part of the expression. Its the "machine=emotionless=of lower value than a living being" one. It seems like fairly standard Japanese thinking to me.
So it's just the fact that it was rude due to the interpretation of meaning of lesser value? Hmmm I kind of understood it to target a singular aspect of women - isolated and not overcoming to their humanity.

You know, I'm a snow-boarding machine, a sex machine, an art machine. My friends have called me "The Prentice Machine" as my last name is Prentice.

I took it that way. Considering his age and not seeing the actual delivery; I wonder what the actual intent was?

O-Well. \:\)

Anyway, it was a goof. We can make a big deal of it or just let it pass. If we let it pass - which would seem to me to be the Japanese way of doing things - we can just remember that that guy says some strange things and forget it. If we all take issue with it and make allot of noise - which would seem to me to be the western way - then we can have a fight and cause even more chaos around the issue and make a lot more folks upset than would be otherwise. Sticks & Stones and all that stuff...
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Well, except that this guy is the minsiter for the ministry of health and welfare. Can we really just let that slip? Especially after his seond gaffe on the subject that many Japanese have taken offense at? It is not just the western way to react to an idiot in power. This is a democracy after all, and he should act and speak responsibly. That isn't just a western reaction. The JApanese do (and always have) expected their leaders to behave and speak in a responsible manner. Not that they always do/have...

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Originally posted by Bushpig:
Well, except that this guy is the minsiter for the ministry of health and welfare. Can we really just let that slip? Especially after his seond gaffe on the subject that many Japanese have taken offense at? It is not just the western way to react to an idiot in power. This is a democracy after all, and he should act and speak responsibly. That isn't just a western reaction. The JApanese do (and always have) expected their leaders to behave and speak in a responsible manner. Not that they always do/have...
Yeah that sounds right to me. But if you're asking if >I< should let it slip or take offence... I'm not a citizen of Japan. And I would hope that my opinions aren't welcome.

I have lots and lots of opinions about the US dictator though... Errr, president I mean..
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I was speaking to a Japanese friend about this last night. He seems to say that this Yanagisawa bloke is generally quite a smart guy, even though this comment sure wasn't.


I'd never heard of him before. My friend was quite drunk though and has been known to think silly things ;\) )

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Maternity leave (san-kyu) in Japan is 60% of your salary for 6 weeks before & 8 weeks after the birth. You have to pay all the health & unemployment insurance & your residence tax out of that, then for the following 12 months you can get unemployment benefit (ikujikyuka). It's 30% of your salary which you only have to pay residence tax out of. If you go back to work for the same company at the end of (or within) the 12 months you get a bonus of 10% of your monthly salary for each month you were off.


My boss has decided that he is concerned about Japan's population and has just started paying for daycare for us. He's in the process of setting up a company creche. Seems pretty forward thinking but then it's only for working mothers - the fathers can't use it.


His reasoning is that he doesn't want to provide childcare while the housewives are out socialising.

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There's a long article about this guy on the bottom of the front page of today's THE JAPAN TIMES. Sounds like at least a few politicians are speaking out and taking a stand against the sexist remarks. There were reports of protesting and such.

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Most of the voters in Japan are women? That just doesn't sound right o me. Shrug.


But I will say this to Jane:


I have 4 kids. 2 born in the US and 2 in Japan. After everything the two in the US cost me $6,000 and $8,500 respectivly. The 2 in Japan cost me $250 and $600 respectivly.


That's all with no complications and just whatever government services and insurance were available to us at the time.


In California for both of those kids we got on WIK (or WIC ?) which got us about $800 of free food after the children were born and about $200 of free vitimans before hand. So if you count those programs you can subtract about $1K from the US costs. But maybe not either because there were all kinds of "shots" that we "had to get" for each kid that came to about the same amount and no pay assistance for them.


Thgere might have been Maternity pay available in the US at that time but noone honored it. Her job was available to her after the babies each time but really ONLY because she was a good employee - or at least we sure got that feeling.


In Japan we weren't aware of any Maternity leave but for one she wasn't working at all prior and for the other she was only working part time.

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Yeah, Meeza major sad mon!


It made me realize a few things though - besides how much I miss her I mean.


- Just how much responsibility four kids are...


- And how I wish I would have saved instead of spent back when the bubble was big.



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Wow... that would suck!


The way our thing went down I think it was better (for the kids) than if it were a suicide. Mom was home and in bed for the last 8 months - we were fighting.


Man, as a kid - how would you deal with parental suicide?


UG! Hard to even think abuot!

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Thanks for the Welcome Crisp-Dewd, Curt too man! That feels good.





No need to be sorry though. Death is just a part of life. Just a transition. Most of us "want" things to be different than they currently are for us. For example I know I not only want to have my wife here with us but I also want to be rich and own an island with Skiing and Surfing and easy access roads to both. There would be two of every animal (exccept mosquitos!!), hot babes, and nacho-cheese stands every quarter mile along the beach, 24/7 awesome swell and no sharks! Instant push-button pizza machines in the lodge for the slopes - always 3 feet deep with powder. Comfy houses free to anyone who could get there. Peace harmony and love would be the only 3 rules and everyone would just enjoy themselves - however they sought to go about it.


I guess it's just human to want things that aren't. Kinda like wanting a Health Minister that doesn't fumble his words and communicate meanings other than intended or that are offensive when scrutinized.


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Hi Tessalator!

Sorry to hear your story.

Good on you on being Mr Mum to 4 kids. Working full time & looking after one is keeping me busy enough.


I spent about 700,000 yen on the pre-natal checks and the birth and I got 80% of that back through private ex-pat insurance which costs about 20,000 yen/month.

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I'm always shocked at what people will pay for insurance. I pay $40 a month for me and 4 kids. See this is what I love about Japan. ;\) I walk into the ward office after recieving a bill saying that our insurance it going to start being about $200 a month or something crazy like that and tell the guy (nicely) that I don't want to pay that much. "How much do you want to pay?" he asks. "About $40 (Y5000) a month." says me. "Why?" asks he. "Cuz that's too much and I need to save money for my kid's education. I spent all our savings on miracle cancer cures even though none of them worked." I answer back. "Just a moment please." says he. He disappears for a few minutes and comes back with an adjusted bill. $40 a month and that's 100% coverage for me and the two little ones (ie. free medical!), with 70% coverage for the two older teens. Great! I even invited the guy out for lunch after. We had buritos. They were his first buritos! Japan, ya?!!



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