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how much would you value this?

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that might seem fair, but in reality she could sell them for 8000-15,000 without anyone really batting and eye lash. if you sell it as art, rather than craft, you can always sell for more. but that will also limit the market.

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Still trying to figure out the size. 15" diameter?


It's really beautiful and very well made by the looks of it. I think you could sell anywhere between those prices mentioned and even above, if she can get in a good gallery and sell it as art rather than craft. (don't ask me how to do that here confused.gif


I guess it depends on where and how it's sold. Easily sold for 2000 yen, but should definitely be sold for more than that.

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Originally posted by bobby12:
To clarify: I think the style is really nice but if you want to sell these then I'd make the subject more commercial.
How about, you know, some dragons and some flowers? I'd go for the dragon myself, and some flowers maybe, but not just flowers.

You could probably get away with 15,000 yen, but it depends how many you want to sell. For comparison, at the weekend I saw some limestone tiles imported from Bali, about 15 cm2 with carved relief flowers on them selling for 3,500 yen. To do anything with them, you would need to buy at least three.

Nice work Mum!
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