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I was round a friends this evening and the young daughters were watching this pop program called (I think) Za Shonen Kurabu. It was basically a pop concert (but not live of course) where all the performers seemed to be boys aged 6-15 with the oldest being Johnnys Junior who must all be teens. There were literally hundreds of screeming girls doing all the actions in unison. It was just totally creepy. The singing boys all had the sculpted hair dos (even the ones that looked like 6 years old), every song was the same, and some of the girls looked like late teens. Why are they going mad over young boys?


I don't get it. Anyone else see it?





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Getting back to something like the topic....


"Saaya has also joined forces with California-born 12-year-old Jessica and another 12-year-old called Shizuka Umemoto to form a group called Sweet Kiss, which has Japan's nerdish otaku drooling lecherously at the various signings and "handshake events" they attend, the men's weekly says.


Now, however, Japan is stooping even lower with the emergence of 9-year-old Mizuki Yoshii, who has become the face of Japan's vile but burgeoning Under-10 idol business.


Born on May 15, 1996, Mizuki still hasn't reached double figures. But her sales figures are already impressive. Her photo collection went on sale in March, with the initial print run set at 6,000 copies. It has already gone into a second printing and topped 10,000 copies, the standard for a best seller in Japan. What's more, hits on her talent agency's website have skyrocketed since the 9-year-old appeared on the scene.


Mizuki's photo collection is little more than pedophilia. She appears clad in all sorts of garments, the vast majority of them scanty, and the shots cater to the traditional sick tastes of perverts, with the little girl decked out in her school uniform, PE bloomers and swimsuit -- all staples for child cheesecake fans in Japan."

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9 years old?




Does no-one actually voice any concerns on this kind of thing or is it more "kawaii- desu ne" on the tv shows and the like?

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Not me for sure! I find it all very cringe inducing. Apart from the fact that they can't sing and look like made up stick insects, and they're under 10??!... whats left?

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