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I went to some do once hosted by the British Embassy in Kobe ostensibly for the Queen Mother's birthday. I'm not a royalist, so it was just for free booze and tucker with my mates who were also freeloading.


It wasn't a bad do. They had a couple of kegs of Tetleys and a big chuck of roast Kobe beef. Some of the Consul bigwigs knew the second verse of God Save The Queen, which I'd never heard before. The Consul himself made a speech with the usual "she were great during the war" one. He also quoted some semi-homophobic joke the old dear had come out with about "queens", but I don't remember it. It was not up to Phil the Greek standards.

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What redneck aussies think happen at NZ partys:

Penned sheep for the boys to get romantic with.


What actually happens:

A few chardonays (steinlagers), a rack of decent roast lamb (no the stringbean sh_t the okkers are used to), followed by a rousing discussion about rugby. Once the liquid hits the spot, all sorts of amorous moves are made on the womenfolk, with a success rate approaching Japan at the winter Olympics. Once the womenfolk are nicely tucked up in bed, with not much else to do, the penned sheep look mighty attractive (and they don't complain that they have been ignored all night). What happens next is best not mentioned, but at least it's warm, and goes to show that the average NZ male, unlike his Australian counterpart can still rise to the occasion after a night on the piss.

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Nice one thumbsup.gif


I did a round- South Island field trip with a bunch of geologists, one of whom (female) was born and bred in Alice Springs. Her comment was that she had "thought that pictures of white sheep in green fields were a child's fantasy, but the sheep in New Zealand were very attractive".

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Two New Zealanders overheard as they were leaving the party

NZ 1 - (was walking out with the wooliest sheep you have ever seen)

NZ 2 - "hey bro, you gonna shear that sheep"

NZ 1 - " I'm not shearing this with anyone"

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