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Alright here is a new topic. It is called the You would think thread. Everytime you post on it you must start it off with You would think. It can be anything and everything.


You would think that with all the snow Japan gets they would of fiugred out plowing the streets is a good thing. Don't know how it is down south but Northern Japan is a little slow in response if at all.

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You would think that the Canadans would have figured out that adding all the taxs into the displayed price on each item was a good thing before the Japanese - but they didnt. Its not 5% either its like 20% once you add the alchahol tax the provincial tax and the national tax and the recycling deposit.

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You would think some people would know better! \:D Check out these headlines.


From The Headlines


A 61-year-old Thailand resident was sentenced to 15 years in jail for trying to have sex with an elephant. After he was caught naked from the waist down standing on a box behind the animal, he claimed the elephant was the reincarnation of his late wife. "I recognized her by the naughty glint in her eyes," he told the court.


After complaining of pain in his scrotum, a Pennsylvania machine shop worker admitted to regularly masturbating against a canvas drive belt during his lunch hour. This time, unfortunately, he leaned too close and the machine tore his scrotum. He compounded the problem by trying to close the wound with a heavy-duty stapler.


A Kansas man checked into an emergency room with his erect penis stuck through a barbell plate. Apparently, the gentleman wondered if his member would fit through the weight's hole, but once it was in, he couldn't get it out. After 12 hours of attempting to cut the plate, a urologist freed him by draining blood from the penis.


A 28-year-old African man told police that he had sex with a cow because he was afraid he would contract AIDS from a human.


lol.gif I love the guy's excuse in the elephant one! "I recognized her by the naughty glint in her eyes," lol.gif

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