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Apart from nuts.


I had to ask a company about their new postal address (which had changed recently) and so I just called them up to ask. I got the receptionist who told me that the guy I usually speak with was not in. I said ok, thats fine, but I just want to know the address so I asked her if she could tell me. And she wouldn't!!! She told me that the guy isn't in and she "doesn't know" and that she'd get him to call me back!! It's nuts!


I'm interested in other nutty stories.

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Sounds like typical bullshit you sometimes come up against in this country to me. On a similar vein, how many times have you been told "No, that can't be done!", not just because it actually can't be done, but just because that person doesn't know his arse from his nose, and so assumes that because he doesn't know/has never heard of it, that it actually can't be done??? I have had that same bull many times. Push the point and they end up with egg on their face, realizing that it actually can be done.


When we were trying to be put on contract the same as all the other Japanese staff at our high school, they initially told us that there were legal reasons and obstacles to them doing that for us. Same old crap. Finally, when we showed them a copy of a contract of a friend (foreigner) who worked at another private school but was on the same contract as the Japanese staff, they were forced to admit they could do it, and it happened.


I'm not surprised to hear your story dale#1

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after a week of requests to teach christmas at four different schools, on friday the school told me i wasn't allowed to mention the 'c' word. (no, not that one)


they said that christmas is too christian and japan was not a christian society so i wasn't to mention it in class.


and i said, okay, how about if i focus on the gift-giving, christmas tree side of things, and don't mention the religious aspect? (my catholic mother would have been real proud of me). & i produced a series of origami christmas trees & cards i'd made at the other schools.


the teachers totally ganged up on me and said, no way.


& i said, okay, but i thought my job was to teach these kids about cultures outside of japan, particularly what we do in Australia,& how it compares to new years in japan.


& they said, nope, stick to the weather lesson plan.


i was soo frustrated. & it's not like i wanted to convert the kids, i just wanted to do something seasonal.



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