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Everything posted by HelperElfMissy

  1. Yes.I believe they used to be paper 'stamps' (vouchers) hence the name, but are now like a credit card loaded with government assistance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supplemental_Nutrition_Assistance_Program
  2. Not read the whole article? Umm yeah. I did actually.And I gathered that this was the gist of the article also... And that people standing behind and judging need to stop it because they do not know what's going on in that persons home. Bit like someone giving a parent a serve when their rotund child is getting a Maccas burger. It might be that the kid is living off it. It might also be that the kid is at a birthday party with friends, is eating it for the one time that year, and is generally on a controlled diet and being made to exercise regularly. Bit like the lady in the story
  3. If someone makes the most of their food budget, qualifies for assistance (ie is poor) and makes the most of that to eat well...then good on them. Better that than be wasteful and end up eating badly, having health dramas and running out/sending kids to school hungry.
  4. I quite like the challenge. Hero snow is lovely, but you can get away with all sorts of technique flaws.
  5. We most certainly eat it in our home...BUT in years past Kangaroo meat was not commercially available for human consumption. It was however available in frozen packs as pet meat. I would expect that the stigma of eating a 'lesser' pet food grade meat is what keeps a lot of people from eating it. It took me a while to warm up to horse meat - my initial reaction was GLUE.
  6. ^ I think it would shut everything down Roads would be closed, lifts wouldn't be turning, cars would be stuck in snowdrifts in their driveways. A nice coating is much more useful in Oz.
  7. Meh...if it snows Dunga will be smiling from ear to ear though. My expectations of Aus are different to my expectations of Japan. But both give me a smile.
  8. Ditto Goz, but getting in to Canberra Sunday Night, will be in Thredbo Monday morning with two junior cubs in tow. Seemore - you should be right by the 12th - at least I hope so, coz I'll be heading home about then and would've liked a bit of snow myself by then!
  9. There's always weird people Thursday...they're just in the shadows today
  10. Oh God. I thought maybe this forum wouldn't have any of this ridiculous circus appear on the pages. <sigh> K.Rudd. Nice enough guy. But that joke of a political party he is leading are incomprehensible. Backstabbing, in fighting, back room loyalty deals, underhanded sneaky popularity mongering. Freaking nightmare. As conservative as the other side is - they can NOT be worse than the current crop of infighting Union strongmen and idealistic commies. I know you'd never believe that GN, but I reckon the alternative deserves a shot after the shocking few years under Labor.
  11. Hilarious. I had some dufus honk me today on the way to the airport because he tried to zoom into the bike lane and undertake me (doing the speed limit) at the same time as I indicated and held left into the turning lane. Total idiot. I had some young men in the car who decided to give him a WTF gesture, which he returned. When he overtook me on the right hand side on the next road he quickly tailgated the car in front, and nearly hit them when they braked. Lovely squealing locked up brakes People like this will get it in return. Call it karma, what goes around comes around, host
  12. Oh yeah... Made me wonder why I spent so long on a pure traditional cambered board. My edge hold is better, and I don't tend to over rotate the turns due to edge 'grab' IYKWIM. (which I sometimes did on the Burton Troop). It sails through powder and crud with ease. I just need to keep improving
  13. Back in Japan permanently Jynxxy? I am on my dream board. Love it. Roxy Eminence C2 BTX (Torah Bright) 155
  14. Splendid result. However I am now simply jealous that you have 10 days in Queenstown in August!!
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