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Everything posted by Stuntcok

  1. Anything is possible as JT Holmes was skiing basing within days of a big sprain. That said, skiing on a sprain will not help the swelling diminish and will lengthen the healing time. Also, your ankle will be very very weak. You will unlikely be able to do much but mellow groomers and any bump etc will remind you that you are not healthy. Putting your boots on and taking them off will be painful as well.
  2. 23 so far and my goal is to break the elusive 70 this year. Got 54 last year despite 2 hospital lay ups.
  3. Are those the naked ones with the Kamoshika I have heard so much about?
  4. As a result of being friends with he manager of the Smith team I have almost every lens colour they have ever made for Prodigy goggles (and about 5 frames). In Japan, where there is little above the tree line and it snows so much I almost never use anything but the low light sensor lenses (the bluish ones)
  5. Looking at my schedule, I should be in Hakuba this weekend. Am I invited?
  6. I got the pics, thanks. Yah, I don't mind that I missed some steap turns. Sometimes it is fun to just throw on the superfats and cruiese the bottomless as Tsonda and I did in Kagura. We had a good hike on Sun to a new "secret stash" and had some good face shot turns. I can't complain, that is for sure. Regardless, I am up in Crackuba this weekend, even if the snow sucks.
  7. A bad type II took me 4 weeks until I could get on skis and about 8 until I could hit kickers etc. There was a psychological recovery that took months: everytime I landed an air, I would stomp but only with my healthy right foot. I did twice weekly physio for my recovery. A type III will have you gone for the season. Good luck
  8. Wow. And I was so happy with my low angle balls deep pow turns in Kagura. That looks sickter... Oh well it is too early in the season to get hurt and knowing my luck it is probably better I was doing Warren Miller turns than hucking.
  9. hahahahaha Anyway, I will see you boys in Kagura tomorrow. Decision = made
  10. What about with a bit of hiking? Would we be able to ride pow most of the day?
  11. How quickly does it get tracked these days? I can't remember when I first thought of stuntcok but I have been using it since the compuserve BBS days. On TGR I use the Orgazmo poster as my avatar.
  12. Hmmm. Kagura is looking good ne? How are the crowds these days on the weekend?
  13. That 50cm is tempting me toward Kagura this weekend. How is Tenjin at the moment?
  14. Err, using them in deep snow is not a great idea if there is any avi danger at all as your skis will become more of an anchor. Same gose for pole straps.
  15. It is true, I have somehow become the regional co-ordinator for PM Gear in Japan. The good news for everyone is that we have sorted out some of the bottlenecks that were creating 12 month waiting periods so there should be bros for all! I don't know how we are going to work the order process just yet but, to start, I am getting a shipment of demos from Splat (Pat) and bundling a small group order in that could save shipping. As for the demos, I am going to try and have models in Niseko and Hakuba for people to try and maybe a pair in Tokyo to be passed around. For those that don't kno
  16. FT, you question my form and then show up in that purple outfit?!
  17. I was driving a rented Subaru in a snowstorm on the road up to saporo kokusai once and was passed by a porche. That guy either really knew how to drive on snow or was a lunatic, or both.
  18. I may as well throw in my 2 cents here given that I have little else to do. I do a lot of travelling all around Japan and have spent a lot of time in most of the major resorts. Firstly, I am not so sure why, with fat skis and snowboards, there is this huge emphasis on how dry the snow is. Nowhere in Japan is the snow as heavy as, say, the Sierras or PNW, from my experience on average but anything could happen on any given day. That said, Hokkaido's snow is the lightest and comparable in water content to the Cottonwoods in Utah but with far more regular "top ups". So, for fluffy snow
  19. Okutadami runs a good park. They have 2 or 3 good lines with good flow all leading to spines or hips on the bottom. The diggers groom it twice a day.
  20. I wanna buy a trampoline for drunken fun and arial practice. Where can I get a good, outdoor one in Japan that will take fatasses such as myself?
  21. FT, another hijack but are you comfortable screwing on bindings? I need to put the Dukes on the ARGs...
  22. Thinking about it, I would go for the shorter skis if you only use them in spring. I almost exclusively use 180 centre mounted park skis in spring and don't miss the longer nose very much. I can still rail on them and they are more manuverable than 190 Gotamas I use in winter.
  23. New mantras or old? They increased the radius this year. I think you would prefer the old ones... I have never skied the skis you are asking about.
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