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Everything posted by soulboy

  1. Hi thanks for the reply. Yeah a ski boot fitter would be fine. Probably I need my boots stretched to fit my wide feet in. Anyone know of ANY kind of boot fitters!?
  2. Hi does anyone on know any good boot fitters that know about alpine snowboard boots in kanto, nagoya or kansai ? Btw in the main shop in tokyo that stocks alpine gear Viento the guy there wasnt very knowledgeable. Thanks
  3. About the original post: I think its a good thing. What good can keeping kids in the dark do ? Countries like sweden are much much less hung up about this stuff and their rates of pregnancy and STDs are much lower. I can't understand the idea of a kind not being ready to hear the facts of life. Its not that big a deal. Its just sex... a bodily function like eating or taking a crap...
  4. I watched アキレスã¨äº€ (Akiresu to Kame) the other day was really good. Quite dark but funny at the same time. Its in the cinemas right now.. def worth checking out
  5. Originally Posted By: muikabochi Not in the least bit bothered by the legality of it all then Frank? Actually the legality of downloading stuff is debatable and different in different countries. Personally I couldn't care less about the poor multi millionaires loosing a few yen from a movie I downloaded. I download mp3s too but I would prefer a vinyl LP anyday...
  6. I think 2.5 hours is optimistic it took me over 3 hours by bus as part of a package tour from Tokyo. Train takes 2hrs 40 minutes Anyhow here is some info on that http://www.snowjapan.com/e/travel/hokkaido-niseko.html
  7. Interesting post. Actually I was taught about upper body and foot work. I am guessing by foot work you mean stuff like "pedaling" ? I was taught to when going toe to heel lift the front foot toes whilest pushing on the back toes and when going heel to toe do the oposite. ie push on the front toe and lift the back toes. Actually I found it worked really well and when ever I got too nervous and hit an edge then I went back to that and I soon was riding well again. Actually now tho I almost never need to use this technique turning is just natural. I am wondering as you are an inter
  8. Hi as far as I know I don't think there are any companies that do transfers as such. There is basically bus train or taxi. You probably need to stay over night in tokyo and get the train or bus the following day. Check skymark their website seems to be in English I wouldn't be surpised if you have to pay full price tho. By the way its Sapporo Chitose you have to take a long bus ride from Sapporo to Niseko.
  9. Get a job in central tokyo I recon... I would be ready to top myself living out there...
  10. Actually there is actually no such thing as "chinese ramen" ! Chinese restaurants in Japan make ramen to please their Japanese customers but in China they call it "Japanese Ramen" and don't sell it in Chinese resturants but in Japanese ramen chains. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramen I heard Sapporo was quite boring for nightlife.. is that true ?
  11. Hey boardbaka! DId you get my mail ? Where is the place for the cheap gear ? When are you going next ?
  12. I am currious to try alpine boarding, anyone know where I can get some lessons in English ?
  13. Yeah there are but not very good also the site with them on is password protected.
  14. Went to Kirigamine this saturday there was just enough wind to get going, it was a lot of fun, Sunday we went to Utskushigahara there was no wind which was a shame because it was the best place I have been to so far, nice wide field, amazing views, perfect snow...
  15. Yes I have heard of "Col du Lautaret" I have seen some videos from there. Also i think there are some competitions there. Looks very nice. I think I went to Serre Chevalier many years ago on high school ski trip. Would love to go back. Also I keep reading about Chasta, even his signature is on the new Ozone Manta !
  16. Frank Ryan, thanks for the reply but I know UPS and Fedex will ship it BUT as I mentioned before its too expensive: If I go to the fedex website http://www.fedex.com/ratefinder/home?cc=jp&language=en And get a quote from tokyo to UK for 6kg the cost is 36675.00 - the board cost 40000, so its not worth the money ! Am I missing something ? Soubriquet thanks again, ok I will try. What I cant understand tho is why noone adverises this service if its available.
  17. Yes I think it has a lot of potential, depending on the terrain and so on. http://www.flexifoil.com/company/newsitem.php?article_id=102166 http://www.flyozone.com/snowkites/en/news/archive/2006/07/1160/ I dont have any ozone kites actually but I have flown a small ozone access... it was fun, they are very popular especially the frenzy. I would like one but I recently bought 2 expensive Flysurfer kites which I can use on water too.... If you seriously wanted to learn then I would book in on one of the trips with Fumiya from X-Fly. Its potentially lethal if you dont
  18. Actually both are possible, frozen lake is great as its very flat, we will be going to Shirakabako this comming weekend. If the ice is thick enough then we will use the lake there. People kite up across and even down mountains. Depending on skill and equpiment anything is possible, huge jumps and other tricks, even gliding down the mountain hardly touching it... Not much wind so no good pics but search yahoo images and youtube. http://www.snowkite.org/
  19. Going to kirigamine this weekend, other spots he goes to are Shirakabako and Kurumayama (weird name), which are all in the same area. All look like terrible places for snowboarding but must have something cool for snow kite. There are also trips planned for hokkaido and another place I cant remember. Will try the classifieds.
  20. Sounds like a great idea but who offers this kind of service ? UPS, DHL, Nippon Express etc dont mentiona anything like this. If you ask for a quote its for their normal service which is way to expensive to be worth it,
  21. Ah didnt notice the replies !! Thanks for the info actually I am going with the guy from that shop that weekend. Yeah I have (too many) kites etc, I (try to) kitesurf too. Anyone interested I am trying to sell a peter lynn guerilla 2 13m 40000yen! Ideal beginners kite.
  22. Yeah maybe I can get someone to hand carry, its true... dont know when someone I know is going tho. Yeah of course I asked at the post office ! The limit is definately 150cm. Thanks
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