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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by thumbsup

  1. A guy I know has said "lets go out for a beer" to me probably over 20 times now. It has not yet happened. Once I tried to actually arrange it - he seemed quite shocked and it didn't happen! I just laugh inside now when I hear it.
  2. Unfortunatley the gig is cancelled. What a shame: ------- US pop star Michael Jackson has postponed an appearance at a Christmas party in Japan, where tickets cost up to 400,000 yen (£1,787). Jackson was due to attend the party in Tokyo on Tuesday, although he was not planning to perform. The event has been put back to 8 March, with a fan appreciation event being held the following day.
  3. There's one of those local programs on the tv right now. They always make me chuckle. Testing the menu in restaurant of the day. The pulled faces. The oishii exclamations.
  4. Irritations of the day: - being served a meal that came with 3 - yes three - chips (fried potatoes). Three!!!!! - the ridiculously small size of cakes in a local cake shop. No need to bit. It all goes in one.
  5. What paper? Actually, not sure, one of the NY papers. I was just going through a few papers here waiting to go into the dentist. > here being New Jersey. I don't really follow the Olympics, yes I remember Nagano. It just didn't really register. Sure didn't think it was as huge as it seems.
  6. Never been to Japan. I want to go now though.
  7. Hi! I never knew there was snow and snowboarding in Japan? It didn't fit the image I had. Great surprise. Just found out about this site in a newspaper over here. Sweet. I want to go now.
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