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Everything posted by eskimobasecamp

  1. Quote: Originally posted by SirJibAlot: On another note, seeing EBC on a snowboard would be something special.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....
  2. yanick the quiche legend of quebec and i did a swap this morning, he took out the prophets and i took out his board --- 1st time EVER snowboarding for ebc.... good times & a big shout out to ryan for teaching me, umm sorry i didnt listen and just wanted to GO!! yanick was a legend on the skis. so watch out SJA.... i might buy a board and jib bigger than you lol......
  3. nice pictures boys.... mr sock monkey, i see you took the public enemys out for a rumble around, what was that all about? ps - your ski poles are sexy
  4. FT.... bro chill - do you not read history books because you don't like what happened? just adding some more photos, specifically ones of me skiing, which are rare because i'm usually holding the camera. anyone who reads this thread will hopefully realise there were mistakes made, and might learn something.
  5. yo yo sup sk8r..... i've got a crew coming from hakuba with me now to your bikecar event! looking forward to it
  6. dizzy & ebc just as a line we try to poach gets roped off ebc, AK, hugh the ski pornstar & whistler mark ebc, AK, dizzy & hugh the ski pornstar
  7. well yeh there isn't much of the famous japan pow this year (unless you follow me into the bushes lol).... but we've still had a good time. here are some new photos of fun times with friends in the snow in hakuba this season.... the step up gap kicker sessions - AK, ebc, hugh the ski pornstar and whistler mark built a kicker a while back onto a building on happo. here are some shots of building it and hitting it...
  8. simon the quebec bakery monster AK pre-waterfall escapade the crew on the south faces
  9. Quote: Originally posted by SirJibAlot: On another note, seeing EBC on a snowboard would be something special.... Ahem... i don't think you are allowed to join the ranks of people who make fun of me on here yet, we don't ride together SJA. Get out there and get some photos (ones other than strange looking buildings) i want to see you jib like a badass
  10. waohhh ok i see..... good luck... lycka till... bonne chance!! hope you get it! is it umm nearer to the mountains than where you are now?
  11. yeh come on, get on it boyz - all we heard was how epic it was. i put my TR from the weekend up on sunday night ps - what's everyone doing this weekend? plans? resort riding? dizz? fubuki? CB?
  12. hey kuma - do you and mrs kuma want to join me on saturday night on a trip to nagano city to go to ben's global warming/bikecar event?
  13. well yes quite, bushy - a donkey or a kamoshika. i've had a few cameras before and have a nice collection of pictures of architecture in russia, italy, scandinavia and the baltic countries ---- pre-hakuba days. but this is a new thing - i've got lots to learn with the D80, exciting! and i need photoshop!!!!
  14. Quote: Originally posted by Oyuki kigan: ...but i am. the Japanese government is suppressing news about an accident in the antartic with the whaling fleet. Apparently, one of the vessels, the Nisshin no Maru had a fire on board, and lost one crew member. They sent out a destress call, and the first ship (and currently olny one, i hear) is Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior. Apparently the weather is getting worse, and there is a real chance for the Nisshin Maru to sustain damage from ice build-up. The Rainbow Warrior is ready to tow her, but the Japanese gov't wan't allow it. Nor have i be
  15. a french electronica band called - telepopmusik http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=89526194
  16. DONE! ebc just bought a camera..... Nikon D80 with 18-135mm lens and on the waiting list for the 18-200mm lens merci kuma!!! ...... back to scraping wax off skis wooo
  17. Tsugaike Iwatake (not quite sure how much snow they have this year though, but it's open) Kashimayari & Aokiko (beside the lakes just 10 mins south of Hakuba) but probably more snow depth at Tsugaike...
  18. everytime i see oyuki on the hill or at the skate ramp, he always has a crew of snowboarder chicks at his side have you invited these boys yet.....? http://re-ski.jp/special/mcv/
  19. Quote: Originally posted by YellowSnow: eskimobasecamp I also won the same tickets, I would be up for a road trip you live in tokyo right? maybe we can just meet up there lol
  20. sweeet board SJA..... my bro broke his jussi in tignes, then broke the replacement one in new zealand last summer oooops i wanna learn to snowboard and get an allian, they look spanky
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