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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by ncorrenti

  1. Hehe, good luck with that! We'll need a full report if and when it happens.
  2. No way, no how! I can see how it would work for the guy, but most zippers on girls clothes dont go down far enough for that to be possible. Plus, what about undies?
  3. Yeah if I get the opportunity to try them out I will, absolutely.
  4. I loved Bad Santa, the kid in it was too cute.
  5. Neat. They look like a lot of fun but I think they might be a bit out of my league. Thanks for the info.
  6. FT, I think I remember reading that your wife has K2 Phat Luvs... just wondering how versatile they are - specifically, would they handle ok on groomed slopes?
  7. Haha I saw that on the news! It looked pretty funny.
  8. Wow, that's about three times the amount of calories the average person needs to consume in a day. I tend to just snack all day at Christmas rather than gorging on one huge meal. That way I can taste a bit of everything without feeling like I'm going to be sick at the end of the day.
  9. I have a couple of very painful clients who honestly believe that they are my first and foremost priority at any given time. For example, I took a day off last week and returned the next day to find a series of bizarre emails: "Nicole, Would you mind sending me a copy of the photo I emailed you last week? I forgot to save it and deleted all my sent items. Thanks! Client" Followed by: "Nicole, Sorry to pester but I need that pic urgently, can you send it ASAP? Thanks, Client" Followed by: "Hi Nicole, Haven't heard back from you... hop
  10. Hehe thanks Betty... just out of curiosity, are you Aussie? Yup, GHD are about $300 (AUD) but I think they're worth it. Manda, you should be able to find a stockist in Canada or get one off Amazon, maybe?
  11. GHD = awesome hair straightener. Where's your family?
  12. I had no idea there was a book. Thanks! I'll definitely check it out.
  13. Quote: Originally posted by Yamakashi: Ill change mine if Toque changes his to Beanie!! Toque, take one for the team!
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