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Everything posted by ncorrenti

  1. 011, I thought your advice was pro bono! I got an email from her this morning... I'm not sure how to take it... should I post what she wrote?
  2. No not necessarily - but I think that some of these guys drink way too much which leads them to do stupid stuff. It seems like there's always one or two that ruin it for the others, which is a shame.
  3. I think it's unrealistic to expect sportspeople to be perfect. Having said that, I think that if you represent your country in a sport, and are being paid handsomely to do so, you should refrain from acting like a bogan pisshead while on tour.
  4. I agree with spud. I mean, does drinking 52 beers on a flight really make someone a hero? In my opinion it makes you a sad alcoholic. Having said that, I think I'd rather sit next to Boonie on a plane than some of those sleazy NRL players.
  5. So I called her... I pretty much told her everything that was on my mind (although I sugar-coated it somewhat) and she took it pretty well. I expected her to get upset and she didn't. However, it seems he beat me to it. Apparently he had told her what went down - although she refused to tell me what he said. She did say though that his story was quite different from mine (I guess that's to be expected). I told her I really hoped she believed that everything I told her was 100% true and she said she would have to think about it. Some of the things she told me he said about me h
  6. Guys that is a really bad idea! No no no. I'm going to give her a call tonight. Not sure if I'll tell her... just going to sus things out.
  7. Hehe, I always look forward to your comments 011. Cheeky bastard.
  8. Yeah, I've considered that but I'm not sure she will listen to me even if I tell her everything. At this point in time she seems to think he's the best thing since sliced bread. They've been dating for three weeks and apparently he's told her he loves her and wants to marry her one day (!?!). I guess ultimately I'm not sure anything I say will change her mind. He is very charming and a very good liar, so I'm sure he'll have a suitable story to counteract anything I tell her. On the other hand, what if he really cares about her? Maybe he has good intentions. I don't know.
  9. One of my very good friends has started dating a guy that I used to be 'friends' with a couple of years ago. I use the term 'friends' loosely because at the time we were 'friends' I thought he was a super nice guy. In the end, I found out that he was actually a pathalogical liar and a complete sleazebag. I had dinner with her on the weekend and she seems completely smitten by him. It seems that he hasn't said anything to her about our falling out, so she thinks we are still on good terms. I had plenty of opportunity to tell her what I know about him but I didn't - she seemed really
  10. Depends on who it is and what the circumstances are... If it was a friend or someone I'm close to, I'd email them again the next day. If it's a business associate/potential employer/acquaintence I'd probably do a follow-up call a week later.
  11. Jerry Stiller - aka George's dad on Seinfeld - he's hilarious!
  12. Yeah I hate Coldplay too, very whiny and depressing!
  13. No, I just have clean hands! Speaking of dirty places though, check out what's between the cushions on your couch! I vacuumed mine this morning and found a bunch of hair elastics and bobby pins, crumbs, toenail clippings (my boyfriend's gross habit, not mine) and some squashed jelly beans. Yuck!
  14. I'm with you 011. I need to have things out in the open and resolved quickly, otherwise I get terrible anxiety over it.
  15. I'm with Spud - I think most mainstream rap is complete rubbish. Having said that, there are bands/artists like Blackalicious and Lyrics Born who I think are geniunely talented. Other bands I hate are System of a Down, Green Day, Good Charlotte and - the worst offender of all - Crazy Frog.
  16. Mark "Chopper" Reid. Sure, the guy's a psychotic killer but he's kinda charming too.
  17. What the? I think you're mistaking 'charisma' with 'innate ability to lie'.
  18. Ok I thought I had some crazy flatmate stories but that takes the cake!
  19. Hehe, it's just tradition. As you can see, the plate of sausages went relatively untouched. We also had grilled haloumi, barbequed eggplant, swordfish skewers and steak - much tastier. Oh, and lamingtons for dessert
  20. fb: runners high is what they call it when you've been running for so long that your body releases endorphins to numb the pain. it's pretty awesome - you go from feeling like you're going to collapse to feeling as though you could run another 10km.
  21. Some sausages at our Australia Day BBQ today. Nasty!!!
  22. I probably wouldn't say "she's sexy" but I'd probably say "she's really pretty" or "she's hot". I asked my boyfriend about whether he'd say another guy is sexy. He said he wouldn't say "he's sexy", however, he can tell whether a guy would be classed as attractive or not. He says this is because (straight) guys don't admire eachothers looks the way girls do.
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