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Everything posted by tsondaboy

  1. Great man! I will be there from 11 to 13. Will you be still around? It is a long weekend here in Jap.(Friday is a holyday)
  2. I see some adds in the subway from time to time but never thought it would be useful to note down the number or the hp. I will keep it in mind for next time I come across it. sorry muikabochi
  3. Ok, here is some good examples. It is required from a “Banana Republic” citizen to do 6 years military service, because military service is Mandatory in “Banana Republic”. Mandatory in this case means “it is required by law” wile required expresses what one has to do in order to meet this condition. It is required from a Japanese high school student to wear a school uniform, because school uniform is obligatory in Japan. Obligatory in this case means “it is required by the school rules” wile required expresses what one has to do in order to meet this condition.
  4. I usually use “mandatory” when a low is involved when something mast be done. i.e.: 2 years military service is mandatory in this country. (you have to do military service by low) “Obligatory” has almost the same meaning but I think it generally applies to the case when a rule or a regulation is involved. i.e.: School uniform is obligatory in Japan. “Required” comes in when it is about a condition or requirement or need. i.e.: you are required to pay the certain sum, in order to ……… new personnel is required in order to expand our enterprise.
  5. End he could always reply: "Nihongo o saberitakattara, nihongono senseito shabena. ore to eigo de saberou.
  6. Sooooooo many times drunk with "hakkai-san". I definetly wanna visit the brewery!
  7. Yes, they are called nozawa-na. I always buy when I go there, it is sooo delicious. The problem is that up to now I haven’t spotted a nice place to go out and have dinner, just souvenir shops or places that shell nozawa-na or things you usually buy to eat back home.
  8. I also wear knee pads, like the ones you see volleyball players wear. It makes much difference but it takes some of your flexibility.
  9. At periods that I frequently go to the gym and exercise (some wait lifting and staff) I have almost no muscle pain apart from the neck. The right side of the neck (I ride goofy) is usually frozen in right looking position after 2-3 days snowboarding. This winter that I have quitted the gym for some months because I am kinda busy, my thighs and the abdominal muscles hurt after 2-3 days snowboarding. Plus the fact that my stamina and strength decreased. I cant wait to start gym again.
  10. Also this area produces my favorite sake. If you go there try it, it is called “hakkai-san”.
  11. I will be going in Nozawa onsen once more in the beginning of February. Up to now I was only having the Ryokan-Hotel dinner, which was very good I mast say. This time I am thinking of trying some local places for dinner. It doesn’t have to be western stile food, it would be better actually if it is traditional Japanese. Any traditional soba-ya for example would be nice. Any suggestions?
  12. Same here, I am really busy till the 10th of Feb, the day I am presenting my masters thesis. I will be in Nozawa probably, from 11-13 since it is a long weekend and my girlfriend can come along. After that I am free to go almost any day of the week till the end of the season.
  13. I use normal 1000 \ / 3 pears unikuro socks and never had any problem. As long as your boots are ok, socks don’t make much difference. I think unikuro has also five finger socks.
  14. I also go to kagura a lot, never entered the BC though. I usually go on weekdays because weekends in Japanese resorts = crowds and also weekdays are cheaper. No problem going on weekends if someone hooks up.
  15. From the University, wile I should be writing my masters thesis. They should put my photo next to the word procrastinate in the dictionary!!!
  16. Quote: why don't we just bump this into a new thread and list the people from Tokyo who are up for some riding/skiing (and maybe some beers at a local Tokyo pub while we're at it) Done!
  17. Any people interested in hooking up together for some rides? Starting point Tokyo to any resort near by.
  18. Hey sunrise slow, I am from Tokyo too. I also have the same problem, cant always find people to go snowboarding, especially on weekdays. I am still a student so my schedule is flexible. Any time you like just PM me and we can hook up together for some rides. By the way, were about in Tokyo do you live?
  19. Never locked mine but reading these threads made me worried. I will go and bay a lock first thing in the morning! Just bought my overpriced gear and the last thing I want is to be stolen.
  20. I would also go for Nazgul = patrol And in addition Saruman = the bad weather that forces you off the mountains into the caves (hotel). Sauron = the manager of Kagura that closes the lifts so that no one can get into the BC. Ps There are more ways into Mordor (BC) Golum = the highly professional BC guide that leads you in an avalanche.
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