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Everything posted by Siren

  1. According to a snownet poll, the best early season resorts are (the opening dates at the end): 1. スノータウン(Snowtown Yeti) (18/10) 2. 丸沼(Marunuma)高原 (1/11) 3. かぐら みつまた 田代 (Kagura Mitsumata Tashiro)(22/11) 4. 鹿沢スノーエリア(Kazawa Snow Area)(25/10) 5. グランデコスキーリゾート(Gran Deco) (28/11) 6. 谷川岳天神平 (Tanigawadake Tenjindaira)(15/11) 6. 軽井沢プリンスホテル (Karuizawa Prince)(1/11) 8. 奥只見丸山 (Okutadami Maruyama) (22/11) Are they any good in November?
  2. It is not a question whether it is ahead or behind - it is about expectation. In the summer, there is no expectation unless a trip to the other hemisphere has been planned. Now is different - it is coming but not soon enough!
  3. Agree with ILive, this is the worse time. The board is properly tuned and waxed. New outfits and gears bought - nothing left to do except wait for the snow and hear your non-boarding colleagues talk about possibility of a warm winter!!
  4. Some basic discussions: http://www.yajyu.com/board/snow125.htm Shop that bespeaks stickers http://www.yajyu.com/board/snow125.htm Funny site of the Snowboard BAKA Alliance!! http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/sbbakadoumei/005001
  5. Could Beckham Cafe Japan Inc. be far behind given that he has started doing schoolgirls' candy commercial? According to the Japanese programme 'Trivia', Waseda (or was it Tokyo?) University has its bog rolls specially made with its name on the paper wrap. Sensibly they didn't also print it on the paper!
  6. OK Guys and Gals, gotto go put on my Puchi-Satan suit and find my spear. Have a good H'ween and good weekend.
  7. and the woman (Ms Spice) is his girlfriend? Is she from India/Sri Lanka?
  8. I love that song! Cracks me up everytime I see good ole EJ doing it with a straight face!
  9. Had she just sat back and do FA, we would have more respect for her?
  10. One always wonders what the fuss was all about her. We can sympathise with her tragic story but it is just ridiculous when some tried to compare her with the like of Mother Teresa. Committing your life to a good cause does not mean the occasional fund raisings and posting with unfortunate children when you are not busy revenging against the husband and mother-in-law. I don’t know much about Japanese royal history but the contrast is clear when you look at Empress Michiko.
  11. I guess you have to look ahead, ride with enough speed, avoid sudden movement (and pray that you don’t fall) and know where to exit. As a beginner it is no fun to find yourself dive (or run out of speed and fall) in powder. I have seen a guy hopping like a frog (with his snowboard still attached) on the same spot for something like five minutes (guess he couldn’t push himself up) before he could extricate himself. I sometime ride with ski poles in powder - they provide good leverage to push out of snow.
  12. I love power but, if you fall, is there a way to get up gracefully i.e. without vomiting from trying?
  13. Got stuck with work whole morning! Ocean, I agree with you that these subjects (rhetoric, civics etc) are important thinking behind a developed and sophisticated society. Does it make the society ‘better’ or more ‘ productive’? Maybe, depends on whether you think about the European (particularly French) culture for example. Some people are just more interested in other things e.g. money, science or spiritual enlightenment
  14. I think so - we meet up after work and she is always in school uniform. Where is "near Tokyo"?
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