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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by ZOIKS

  1. Poor slugs. At uni I spent 1 term in a room with some geek, and we had big problems. He wanted to study, I wanted to party. Luckily it didn't last too long. Bad idea.
  2. Like them. New album out Wednesday in Japan
  3. It can look really impressive when they do them well. So thats 2% of the time
  4. Owani onsen is a small place, and yes we have been to Ajigasawa quite a few times. Good fun. I just go up there to rest and enjoy my time with them.
  5. I'm in southern Tochigi, near Saitama, but I have friends who live near Owani and visit them every a few times each winter (total about 10-14 days)
  6. What is it with that then? You know, J guys taking a pause in a sentence, sucking air, then bringing out the "muzukashii desu ne" or some other difficult to say thing. I try to do, just can't get it down
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