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Everything posted by sanjo

  1. And here's this mornings new news 東京電力は8月31日深夜、福島第一原子力発電所の原子炉建屋の山側にある井戸から、放射性物質のトリチウムを地下水1リットルあたり最大900ベクレル(法定許容限度は同6万ベクレル)検出したと発表した。  昨年12月~今年3月の掘削時に比べて2~15倍の濃度に上昇していた。東電は、貯蔵タンクから漏れた汚染水300トンが地中に拡散した可能性があるとみて調べている。  同原発では大量の地下水が建屋に流入し、汚染水を増加させている。抑制策として、地下水を井戸でくみ上げ、海へ放出する計画があるが、井戸の汚染で影響が懸念される。政府の汚染水処理対策委員会の大西有三委員長(京都大名誉教授)は「地下水の流れを正確に把握し、原因を調べねばならない」と話している。 Pollution concentration rise in well water around the plant
  2. They have evidence, but it's a secwet!
  3. Yes, it was very hot and humid in Niigata today. Not quite yet into autumn then!
  4. Yes, Canada. And Switzerland too.
  5. Why the UK? And not France, Germany, etc etc........
  6. Glad K's pulled through. Must have been a pisser hearing that when he told you! Can't be that long for your house now.
  7. Another few weeks and we should be in that bloody great few months of autumn period with all the things to enjoy and look forward to. I'm feeling positive today.
  8. Metabo Oyaji, what's your Fukushima (or elsewhere) plans for the coming season?
  9. Hasn't the exclusion zone always been 20km? Outside of that, I am not sure.
  10. They just have great tech, Chriselle. Maybe Apple.
  11. I always liked the green mile. Finding Nemo is bloody great.
  12. Mad storms here too and a very eearily yellow.orange color to the evening before it got dark just now.
  13. Yeah saw some of the mad rain up there. Had a fair bit ourselves in the last week or so.
  14. Kagura: 39 Maiko Snow Resort: 17 (+) Muikamachi Hakkaisan: 6 Naeba: 6 (-)
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