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Everything posted by proudtobegay

  1. Quote: If it were laced with hatred and written differently - maybe. But as it is, I think I can cope. Last from me to...back to the real topics!
  2. OK! Lets be furenndo. Anyway, the machine looks wild. Has anyone actually tried it?
  3. I remember the situation and the content being different. If you would like to confront me with that, why don't you go back, research it and bring forward the evidence.
  4. So he was trying to insult "the fairies on the exercise machine" by calling them gay? Oh I see, that makes a whole lot of sense.
  5. My grandmother still used to say that when she was 80.
  6. You've inspired me, The Orange - I'm going to see how I can cope with regular jogging, starting easily tonight (if the weather holds up!)
  7. Will he though? What is the punishment for such an undefined offence?
  8. I often think about it and discuss it, especially since a loved one very close to me died unexpectedly.
  9. I quite enjoy watching them. I just can't believe that they can run so fast for such a long time, and then seem to recover at the end within seconds. Amazing.
  10. I am going to a funeral on Friday actually, it would be interesting to know more about your experience rach.
  11. I try, but I think it comes over are really terrible and very un-Japanese. I need to work on my accent. How DO you work on an accent? Just practice? Any tips anyone?
  12. I'm worried about my reliance on my keitai. It's like the internet. If I can't connect in a day or two, I start to feel that something is missing. But all I'm missing is reading text on a screen and typing on forums etc. Sad.
  13. Beck. He's good. Not too keen on his most recent album, but before that...
  14. Yes, I agree with what the fine mr barok said in another thread - and so will gracefully withdraw from the line of insults here and just ignore the topic. (Well, maybe take a glance to see if anything constructive is going on in the thread). Peace and good vibes!
  15. Quote: Now, would anybody like to explain what exactly about being gay there is to be proud of, and why it would be good if more people learn about it? Well, if you need to question someone over things that they might be proud of - agree or disagree - and in such a sarcastic manner, then you obviously do not deserve an answer. I have noticed you really are sensitive on issues of sexuality/marriage/children, aren't you? It seems to be the thing that gets you going the most. Are you sure you're not homosexual yourself? And just trying to prove otherwise by making your own little Japanese
  16. I am not disagreeing with you, mogski. But sometimes it is absolutely impossible to keep all employees happy all of the time. The management may well be doing everything that they possibly can (maybe not), but it is not always possible for a zillion possible reasons. Along with that is the fact that some people will ALWAYS ALWAYS moan about management - whatever they do and however much they work on this issue. Its part of the psyche of "not being management" for some types of individuals. Thats all I am saying.
  17. Quote: the boss always nods his head, jots some notes, bs's an answer, and nothing ever seems to change... Some people just do not seem to even being to comprehend the many complex issues that are sometimes at work in running a company, especially a big one. Perhaps the boss looked into doing something about the points raised, but they were not possible for any number of reasons. Perhaps you only notice any changes that you personally are interested in. Perhaps you just want to diss the manager. Funny how he is in that position, not you. Oh its oh so easy to
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