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Siem Reeves

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Siem Reeves

  1. sent our video in of sunday's skiing and park stuff... a little big, but fingers crossed it will get posted
  2. well, from someone who was trying them but not going big enough to make the down ramp or good enough to stomp a landing... till yesterday, i can say, try something smaller first and just practice straight airs and do those really well before you try any tricks. you see so many people trying flippy twisty things when they barely make it off the ground and can't even land... go slower than you think you need to and "pop" hard, rather than going faster, not popping, going too big and not being able to control yourself. you get hurt that way (i've done it) popping... keeps you in contr
  3. though i expect to still do a bit of backcountry before the season is through, is everyone making the transition to the park now? our hill has finally got a decent park with two good sized tables (for me, not small, but not monsters) and three rails. had lots of fun yesterday perfecting the tried and true straight airs (i'm finally doing them properly, going big enough that jared worries that i'm going too fast and big, not that that's saying much )and now i think i'm ready to stick in a few grabs. lets hope they're decent enough for a vid but anyways, gotta go skiin
  4. what do you mean next season?!! there's still at least a month if not two of skiing left!!! for some inspiration, take a look at the video galleries spring riding can be just as fun, just less clothes!!!
  5. it's entrance exam time at my highschool right now, and the kids in Iwate now have to complete an English interview as part of the entrance requirements. i dunno what they ask since i wasn't invited to sit in on them, but that'll probably help the eikaiwa business as i think all highschools will soon have to do it too. i'm not quite sure, but Iwate may be the first prefecture to implement it.
  6. i find the urge to make a video comes and goes. sometimes you can't be bothered, but other times you have to stay up to the wee hours to finish it. i've been reading the whopping adobe premier manual and should really start trying out some effects, but the husband takes the computer to work so that he can "work" on it maybe i'll do one now
  7. thanks there... forgot if i had written that or not this morning since i couldn't seem to find it... silly me!!! i'll send it right away
  8. hey there snow japan... just checking to see if you are getting emails sent by us about vids - our emails don't seem to be making it through
  9. Hey there Snow Japan just wondering if you got the Club Med vid we sent you a week or two ago... it was a bit big a 7MB but you can preview it on the Club Med thread if you haven't already seen it. do you want us to reduce it's size? anyways, let us know...
  10. and what makes it heaven is that after living in japan for a year and a half in the inaka, you really miss the cheeses, good breads, mexican, indian, and just pretty much anything that yamaya doesn't sell boy oh boy, was i a piggie... but not as piggie as jared, he's 30kg bigger than me you know, although i can give him a run for his money... sometimes
  11. well markie, it's the one and only time we will ever go somewhere that nice, unless we win it, we'll prolly spend the money on a longer stay for more skiing... it was great though, fantastic food!!!! i'll prolly have to do a resort review now quickly too, before jared gets in there and wins some goggles by the way, we made a wee ski vid of the trip, so we'll send that in pretty soon.
  12. i don't know if this should be on snow talk, but... talking to my japanese ski friends on the weekend and they were teasing me about my faint goggle marks. apparently they are not cool at all. personally, i don't like them on myself, but i tan really easily, even through sunscreen (i can reapply every hour and still tan) so i really can't avoid the panda face, try as i might. back home, some people thought they were cool, and funny enough, it was the japanese riders doing a season in nz that had the worst ones ever!!!! anyway, what's your opinion?
  13. so how do you get your hands on one if you're this far north? do you think they would takubin them here?
  14. well, back to those soft boots... i discovered that my old boots don't have much of a forward lean on them and why i've been so comfortable all these years when everyone else wasn't... anyway, saturday was a bit of a killer, the boots feeling pretty narrow and my poor feeties squished... add to that the extra forward lean that wasn't present in my other boots... and they are not that soft... but on sunday, they had packed out (maybe all that hiking of the table the day before, which unfortunately didn't result in any improvement on the jibbing front) and were a completely different b
  15. yes!! and he left so late that by the time he figured out he couldn't find his way back and called the ski field with his cell phone, it was dark and they couldn't do anything till the next day when the helicopter was sent out to find him.
  16. gonna try them out on saturday... getting the therma fitty thing done today and getting my foot beds put in... will let you know soft should be ok anyways, as i usually ski with most of my buckles pretty much undone on my boots (except when i want to go faster). to quote a guide at hakkoda on being asked how the soft boots he had were... "they're not really soft" Quote: I'm also thinking of slightly shorter skis, 160s instead of the 170s I'm now using. nooooooo!!! i ski on 158 twins and 170 big stix and according to the height chart on my wall (i got free with a carton
  17. hey there... just got myself some rossi soft boots and was wondering if anyone had any? how would you rate them... any info? my last pair of salomon boots (my very first pair " title="" src="graemlins/cry.gif" /> but a pair i didn't get to choose cos there was only one pair of 22cm boots in the country at the time!) have been ok, but i've got issues with my right foot now (started last season when doing my first full season of skiing, it hurts!!!). anyways, the boots are an experiment because they were only 1man on sale (not a bad price )
  18. Quote: The vids are great. Just curious as to what cameras you are using and if there are any recommendations especially for filming in the snow. Thanks! Panasonic 3CCD video camera this year, and last year's vid, Pentax still Digi camera 3.2 megapixels with 30sec of movie (no sound).
  19. Interesting, I'm trying to buy the vid but its not gonna be easy with a credit card with a different billing address to the shipping address and an address form that requires you to enter a US state to proceed.
  20. got one next friday that will be 10,000yen!!! but, i'm conveniently in hokkaido that day
  21. no trick. i read somewhere that the rings are quite heavy, and rather than stretching the neck, they push down the shoulders (x-rays confirm it!)
  22. i dunno... it was springy on saturday and super warm, but fun to carve it up on the trail nonetheless i am absolute crap on the table, but i got a chance to practise a wee bit too... sunday was crummy weather, but we ended up at shimakura and there was powder to be had. very slippy though, with 30cm or more of light pow in most places, sitting on top of harder stuff that had been warmed the previous day. keeping to less steep stuff and being careful made it a great day with great friends and some fun skiing!!!
  23. i'm not going to get into whether there are more gaijin off the trail than foreigners, because the point i was trying to make (i think) was that people should be prepared for what comes with going off the trail... and that includes getting yourself out. it's just unfortunate that in the case i described, the japanese guy told the patrol that it was a canadian who had "led him off the trail", laying the blame a bit. on the other hand, we now know that the english warning signs have gone up because he also said that there were no signs in english (why he couldn't read the japanese sign and inf
  24. well, i suppose this is difficult to explain... Quote: Shimba just be careful Im surprised that you guys cant speak a little by now We can speak a bit now, and i can usually understand most of what they say, but conversations are pretty short, and all together quite pleasant, which is why suddenly having these signs put up is a little off putting, becuase we were ok with the patrol until someone else kinda gave all us gaijin a bad rep. Quote: try to talk with them and be positive rather than being 'enemies'. The patrol are just doing their job. i definately don't thi
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