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Siem Reeves

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Siem Reeves

  1. well, during the nz season, we'll mostly be living off savings, but any relief teaching work i can pick up, survey work the captain can pick up and anything else would definately help... but we aren't too worried... can stay in nana and poppa's caravan at the local holiday park or possible a relative's crib... it's for less than 3 months, and then to canada where we will definatley work during the ski season... vids... we'll have to see if i have time... at the moment, i am home alone from 4:30 to 9:30pm every night, so i have time on my hands... but i'll try if people are keen to see mor
  2. well, we had our last day ever at geto yesterday... a bit sad after three seasons of fun... but there was still plenty of snow and we had fun ripping around the place - but on to the topic here, prolly no more vids from me this year... unless i decide to whip off a small portions of the big movie... getting ready to go home, where we will be too poor to have adsl internet (well, not poor, but jobless for a season)
  3. so if both i, and captain stag bought new line skis this season, but won't be using them till the new zealand season this coming july, does that add to the cost of this season, or the next one? ;-)
  4. just sent in another vid of the weekend - pretty similar footage to last week i suppose, but you can only do so much when the park is small and captain stag doesn't try that 720 ... off to sumikawa snowpark in miyagi next weekend, so hopefully a bumper vid then with lots of new skiers well, you all must be sick of my vids by now, but that's ok, i'm sure the people in them still want to see them to tell you the truth, i may be getting a wee bit sick of making them, mainly cos i really should get working on the full length ski movie since i've got loads of tapes to still capture a
  5. home to nz... cadrona for the season before heading to canada for theirs
  6. the appi pipe was a lot bigger in real life... all our friends were suprised at how small it looked... captain stags already seen the pipes back home. the resort we are heading to for the season has 4 pipes, one of them a superpipe...oh, just had a look at the vid.. some of the pipe shots were in the baby pipe for beginners... as for the music... after you have spent more hours than should be necessary editing two separate little vids, rendering, exporting and everything else, believe me, choosing a song can sometimes be more than you want to be bothered with " title="" src="graemlin
  7. only on the big stix cos they are so butt ugly (mine, anyways...) the other skis are stickerless. it's expensive to sticker up anything in japan, they charge a premium - i'll keel over before i pay 1000yen for an oakley sticker! they should have given me a free one for buying their 45,000yen jacket! (well, obviously i'm too cheap to buy their stickers, so i didn't pay full price for the jacket )
  8. Thanks! i also just sent in another little vid. a bit repetitive, but there's not much when there's only one person jumping and the snow's not so flash... captain stag and many many angles to compensate for the lack of stuff in the park at geto...
  9. just sent in another little vid of the last of the decent geto snow and the last day they had the pipe open at appi... that was the weekend before last... last weekend's vid is in the works now (the hard drive died on 5 separate occasions yesterday, so i gave up and tried again today )
  10. shipping was only $70 - dunno if they made a mistake cos when jared was trying to price shipping (while i kept my dirty little secret to myself ;-) it come up with $160... so maybe i got lucky! are you going to buy me some skis, fattwins? i don't know if your wife would like that mines near the end of may... i was going to get skis... i have some rossi axial bindings waiting for some friends, but i'll just ride out my old ones through Stage One, and not worry about it too much for now. i haven't been a fan of women's skis... i tried the bandit X for women - far too mus
  11. hey fattwins - captain stag won't find out how the pollards are cos i ordered them from the bcstore and had them shipped home to nz - too much stuff to take home already... they will debut during the nz 2005 season...
  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPTAIN STAG! I let him stew for the last 2 and a half hours, looking on the internet, comparing prices, emailing stores online... but I had to wait till midnight! He didn't get to decide in the end - I bought him the Pollards (186cm 118/86/111) so he can like it or lump it! Captain Stag says "Yatta!"
  13. From Adobe Premiere we "export" "for web" "windows video" "broadband intelligent streaming"
  14. every year, we think, well, we don't need anything else cos we bought it last season... never never never believe that it ever stops... but it's such a joy, spending money on something so worthwhile 4 season passes... new jackets, pants, gloves, shovels, bindings... but we held back on the new skis till next season... sorry, couldn't give an estimate. living in the van on long ski trips saves a lot
  15. a tshirt with some funny engrish... i would absolutely LOOOOOVVVVVEE a snowjapan t-shirt with funny engrish
  16. never had to wait in line at hachimantai... appi on a weekend is a shocker... geto is not too bad, depending on which lift you hop on... i think there have been more people at geto - a lot more good skiers around too... compared to our first season here...
  17. i want a t-shirt! but not a big baggy one, one that fits why do promo t-shirts have to always be large or xtra large? a small would be great...
  18. i don't know how cheap nz is anymore... day passes are pretty ridiculous these days (it's cheaper to ski in japan), but i suppose everything else (food, accomodation, travel, etc.) makes it less pricey... we're heading home for a couple of months before we head out again and decided $1000NZD for a treble cone season pass wasn't worth it for such a short time... so we will settle with cadrona ;-)
  19. it takes long enough to send the 3meg movie... i don't think i have the patience to send a full sized one even if i could
  20. panasonic 3CCD - the little one... NV-GS70... a year old... when there were only two models of 3CCD made by panasonic... but the quality of the vids online have been shrunk from severely from 500megs to 3megs
  21. good old geto... cos it's about 30-40min away... this season, a lot of time spent at hachimantai too
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