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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by sam_casper

  1. for the more classy smokers in all of us!
  2. deebee ta for letting me know im going to go graemlins crraaazzzy! ta!
  3. i thought that was more appropriate here than in the cheese thread!
  4. cheeseman will be very impressed... how deebee how do u get them?
  5. Deebee! thats the Style man!! KICK ASS! Awsome photo, where'd u dig that up from!? i never thought i'd like the starwar's but now! deebee the photo god!
  6. is there a "standard" chart u know like the charts of how much u should weigh when your so tall etc... u know those? i assume theres a chart of somesort..? i guess its very dependant huh?? in powder you need a longer board? in australia a shorter board cause the isnt as good bla bla bla bla bla.... theres to many variables.... i know i could ride anywere from a 148 to a 158 ,.... so tere should be a chart with a 10cm give or take...!! ya boards ment to be up to ya chin hey?
  7. yeah idont understand the idea of playing music on the slopes... wouldnt it go loud soft loud soft loud soft loud soft... and so on... cause your speeding past the speakers?? mmm... just a thought!?
  8. mmm... might ahve to join in on one of them when we visit!
  9. Hey all just wondering whats the Stats on goofy of naturals being left handed or right handed!? Sammo
  10. i appreciate football - rugby league... thats football, i would arguee till my face is blue... i didnt say that the soccer players donthave skill im sure they do but i dont follow it cause i dont like it... just the same as i dont like AFL....
  11. mmm.... bother.... do you guys have local competitions over there?
  12. http://www.skijapanguide.com/cgi-bin/ubbcgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=001928
  13. the mac OSX was a fair joke yes.... but OS 9's are very stable along with the OS X.2 all the magazines are raving bout how good it is... i dont know anyone who as had problems with OS X.2.... everyone said it was very stable and good.... i have had more Blue Error screens with a Windows Pc than i could even consider counting. Pcs do have troubles with design software, i have used a pc just as much as a mac.... in graphic design and web design like 80% of the industry uses macs.... for that reason... that being that you wont crash. everyone has their own experiances but
  14. mmm.... thats pretty cool... it takes sooooo long to get them for America and stuff but being a different language it would be a understood that you would have to speak japanese...? I wanna play softball with a japanese team over the summer season (japanese summer) that would be awsome.....mmmm.... i dont like dreaming...!
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