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Everything posted by TheOrange

  1. Yes it is dark by then. I mostly ride at night. Got a strong light on front and back and reflectors and don't go in busy places so I'm very visible I think.
  2. Well, getting better anyway. I am going to get back on course this evening with a 20km bike ride I think around 8pm. Think of me.
  3. Lost it a bit yesterday, had a huge meal last night and drank too much. Had fun but I feel guilty now.
  4. That does sound good. Great color too!
  5. Hmmmmm. For today, the latter. It's seriously not the end of the world. You seem to take this all very seriously - perhaps a bit too?
  6. Not in the mood today which is good as the rain is my excuse.. so I don't feel bad about it either!
  7. On Bankisha tonight they covered one of those places in Tohoku on the coast that gets flooded twice a day due to the ground sinking 70+cm and the tides coming in. Sewage and all. Yikes, what a nightmare that must be.
  8. Originally Posted By: Mantas Find a beach people. Sand is very forgiving to shins. Gives a calves a flogging though. A bit far for me that!
  9. This last week been doing pretty good and feeling good with it. Getting into the stride now. Still not long distances but I can feel it getting slightly easier.
  10. How much did you pay for that TB? Good luck with it Mamabear certainly sounds like you are on for success there. Do you really restrict what you eat too?
  11. That kind of comment really annoys me. Especially when it comes from people you hardly know, not even friends. Friends are allowed to say that kind of thing, but the old biddy down the shop I go in once a year doesn't have the right!
  12. You're really into the exercise thing properly hey Mamabear? My attempts are much simpler. Anyway enjoying the bike again but not really the jogging. I suppose I would enjoy it more if I was better at it. It just depresses me knowing how crap I am at it though!
  13. Yes I do some bike as well. Swap them around really. I feel jogging is more exercise-y though.
  14. Thanks! But not interested in races or anything. I set my own targets and go for them, has worked in the past. The fewer people see me struggling with it, the better!
  15. Dough dipped in chocolate. Damn, I need to lose weight not put it on!
  16. Well, I now have about 6-7kg I want to get off before summer so I have a target to aim for and last night went out for my first jog of the year. It was bad. Was a bit shocked at how far I could go before stopping. I'm not going to say, but let's just say it was in m rather than km! Wish me luck. Gambaru!
  17. Got myself a PS3 now. Now, what games to get.
  18. Watched Independence Day last night again. It's silly fluff but entirely re-watchable. Mars Attacks recently too, though that never lived up to the idea. Loved the little aliens though.
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