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Everything posted by brit-gob

  1. Erm, no, Ocean. I think people are just commenting on the super-duper new camera system innovation that Hockenheim introduced. Not allowed to do that then?
  2. scoobydoo I reckon mid October is the best time of year (outside of riding time of course). It's cool, decent weather, beautiful scenery, etc.
  3. I saw that - tres cool. And they knew it as well, using it as much as possible.
  4. I am planning on going to SSAWS for the last time with some mates on Sept 2nd or 3rd. Anyone else care to join us?
  5. I watched Shawshank again last night, what a great movie that is.
  6. She was the best, wasn't she. A class act. "Search-ing! Looking for lurve! All the time they ca-an!" Oh yes, that brought back memories
  7. That would be news to me mate. Although they do have better snow than here around this time of year
  8. Quote: She always looked like some averagely good-looking teenager's mum. EXACTLY!
  9. Hmmm. See your point Ocean11, but naah, cool wins out over the oppressive heat. If I'm not mistaken, you also have the huge advantage of not living/working in the city and having to commute in a suit. Not thought of that ey?
  10. Quote: Neil Young - Shakey You talking about the one and only "Kind of UK Shake", Shakin' Stevens? [This message has been edited by brit-gob (edited 26 June 2002).]
  11. bagpuss what's ya sauce (!)? it would be kinda interesting to know
  12. I used to have a crush on Hazel Dean (I was in the UK for a few years when the SAW phenom was in full swing)
  13. Akita people. What resorts are decent up there - apart from Tazawako?
  14. It looks like the US are gonna go through to the last 8 in the cup. Go USA!
  15. Possibly, but generally he has played very well. Good on him, young lad.
  16. I think the steepest official run in Japan is at Kijimadaira (?) in Nagano. Mudguts - 69 degree?! Glad to hear you survived it!
  17. Ocean11, do you like the term half? I have heard people calling their half-gaijin-half-Japanese as "Double" or "Bai" ( ). Your thoughts, dear sir. [This message has been edited by brit-gob (edited 11 June 2002).]
  18. U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A U S A Go USA
  19. Yes, it seems there were hooligans - Japanese ones after their victory against Russia and some were arrested. I didn't hear about that on the Japanese news. Funny that. Did you? Didn't think so.
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