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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by xxx

  1. Anyone ever tried to watch a Japanese drama? You know the ones - lots of slow scenes, 2 to-be lovers facing each other standing 5 meters away from each other in the pouring rain, etc etc. I'm watching the "Pet" one at the moment, and what fun it is! Ahem.
  2. I thought it was crap. Mustn't have drunk enough.
  3. Yeah, here's hoping Terminator 3 will be good too. Fingers crossed.
  4. All you "no eat meat from tins" dudes - do you eat tuna? Isn't that the same concept?
  5. The main road near me bothers me, especially the beeping talking traffic lights/ped crossing - at 2am. It is just so not needed, but goes on.
  6. What is the snow like up there, anyone who's been?
  7. ...don't you think? How I want snow. Where's mogski and his pics when you need 'em?!
  8. 10000 is a good deal. Better still, get a new machine - they're cheap you know!
  9. Nah, I don't think I could cope with that either. I'm happy to be the 'guest' for a period of my life.
  10. Micro belts are the best, with long boots to go with them!
  11. As someone else said above, I don't think most people give a shit - they are just saying what they think - and that always seems to hit a raw nerve with USers for some reason. I really personally couldn't give a monkeys if anyone either praises or disses my country, and I would certainly never be as embarrassing as to call someone who did "anti-" me and my country. Anyway I'm offline for the rest of the day, looking forward to how that developes.
  12. Quote: but seriously, there are some people (here on this board as well) who are not blatantly "anti-american", but always seem to jump on any chance they can get to rat on america ...but for the most part they are not ratting on America as you put it, just certain policies etc. Again, isn't that the ironic meaning of the original post and question posed? (If I am not making any sense, I'll say I'm drunk). Ocean, clear it up will ya?!
  13. I might be missing the point here, but... I think you are missing the point of Ocean11s original post. He is simply trying to point out how absurd labelling some "anti-American" is if they just disagree with something, however small. Am I right O11, or am I missing the point?
  14. Can we download them for free too
  15. That Kuroki actress in her 40s is very tasty.
  16. I got a lot of sleep last weekend, but usually just 6 or 7 hours.
  17. Arguing neighbours, at least 3 times a week - and usually in the early hours. In summer theres a whole lot of insects around here (we're near lots of trees).
  18. Amazing, can't wait to see that one.
  19. Long cruising at Suginohara is a fun relaxing way to spend an afternoon.
  20. There was a documentary on the TV the other night. Seems there was an avalanche at Arai about 10 years ago when 2 patrol were buried in a couple of meters of snow. One was discovered after 15 minutes, the other after 45 minutes - still alive. He gave the top tips as being cover your face with your hands and don't panic Interesting it was.
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