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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by cal

  1. Sadly, you completely lack the timing, relevance and humor, Go Native. I'd stick to the science if I were you! Just a friendly top tip.
  2. Watched the Back To The Future movies this week. They were fun, I actually liked the second one a lot, never loved the third one
  3. This afternoon a friend brought me round a case of bottles of Kirin Classic. It made me very happy!
  4. Very cool. Lots of demand for sexy Scot lads over near the border of Thailand/Cambodia?
  5. Touristy places will be busy. Some inner city areas can be relatively quiet as many people go back to their hometowns.
  6. Can't believe how HEAVY some suitcases are. They eat up a big chunk of the allowance. So I'm into buying a new one. I want it large. I want it super light. Anyone got any recommendations?
  7. You guys going to have the 'ceremony' done before building?
  8. That was a good one. Need to see it again, the g/f 'didn't understand' it first time round.
  9. Eggplants are good, I like them. Can't think what's disgusting about them.
  10. Are we still alive then? if so, I'm off for lunch.
  11. Had some yakiniku last night. First time in ages. Damn, it was good.
  12. Sure sounds it. I want some Akiaji.
  13. Is one 'better' than the other or do they both have their own + and -?
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