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Everything posted by snobee

  1. Mogski - I think you have hit on the essence of the problem. The ski industry in many cases (not all) probably is reflecting the "Way things are done in Japan" approach. It worked in the past, of course it will work now. And in the often observed gerotocratic protocol of doing business here, exciting viable changes proposed by the lowly often get the short-shrift. So changing a social condition is not easily done. But things can happen and the above suggestions of others are a start eg. whistler type schedule. And a crucial element (as mentioned) is "Who are the targeted consumers?" Currently
  2. For those of very mild interest in the above mentioned ski-jo here's the quick link: www.ikawaski.jp
  3. Yes - it can dump "big" time in Shimane/Hiroshima. Just the (ir)regularity can be frustrating. Last year, Dec. 28/29/30 spent 2 full days at Mizuho on a 100+cm base and calf deep powder drifts. These holy conditions improved over the new year to unfortunately be seriously eroded (read f***ed) in the great wet warm that cast it's spell over much of Japan this Jan?Feb. Last season friends from here(the west)had 2 long and expensive drives to better terrain in Shiga and Nozawa and were greeted by the slops both times. So if you live in the region, follow the sites/home pages and become familiar w
  4. Higuma - great reply. And with the emphasis on "There's no perfect solution to all and sundry's feet/alignment problems". But I did visit Surefoot in Sydney last year on a ski down under and it was the best thing I have done ever re. my feet. They were knowledgable, thoughtful and explained well the go on the "status" of my feet. They clearly knew their field and in fact advised me NOT to buy the new Lange boots I was told here would be the beez kneez for me, as champion boots they may well be, they wouldn't configure with my oddities. Cutting it short, they aligned my feet/legs/knees in a sem
  5. Miteyak - Who said "Helmets are good because I think so"??? You made the original statements, I just asked for clarification/support of those stated facts. I don't wear a helmet when skiing so I have no barrow to push. What's wrong with asking?
  6. Miteyak - that's an incredibly narrow focus for statistical backup. How about a 10yr. span covering ALL users. And the seat belts........? Look I'm with you re. the free choice issue. Everyone has the right to pad themselves in as much cotton wool as they do or don't like. Trying to justify the choice with questionable statements tends to lend less weight to the argument.
  7. Miteyak - could you post the stats supporting your statement re. seat belts = more accidents and bike helmets = more hospitalization cases. Seems this has been flinging 'round for tooo long. Most safety equipment in leisure or work environments are usually required for that totally unexpected "out of the blue" situation, which is statistically rare, but rarely foreseen.
  8. From adelaide too - 7 years here - seems like 17. Raury - are you the Raury on ski.com.au ???
  9. The mentioned places - Geihoku & Mizuho - are probably the most popular. Wide enough, long enough & steep enough for many???, just don't "off piste." Osorakan is also worth checking out. Often less crowded ( perhaps due to it's one lane, 10+km, goat track entrance road, which is definitely worth experiencing ) and has a good atmosphere. Are you moving out West?
  10. Barok - Actually conditions don't apply to the length of a piece of string. It's always "Twice as far as it is from one end to the middle"
  11. Good idea Rajeem. Who can handle The summer here? Last year I took a small group of locals to Mt.Hotham in OZ and had a great time. 5 days of Blizzards but the good stuff comes with those conditions. NZ is pretty well recognized as a snow destination, but OZ isn't (not internationally) so I can reccomend as a variation from the North Am./Euro scene. Last year suffered from the same problem as Japan this season - unusually too warm. BUT, hey 2 years in a row. The big resorts in OZ are wide, with all terrain catered and off piste pretty much the norm. Too much to say here, so just check out this
  12. O-11, I'm in Takamatsu, Kagawa - definitely a Snow Free Zone - which means driving, driving, driving. A move to Matsuyama would surely put a dent into any regular "Big Sno" ambitions, but it is there. Probably even back-country stuff, absolutely no ones on about. But as I said Hiroshima & Shimane are fairly close and they can serve it up in doses- but not exactly Aomori or Niigata. And yes Shikoku sure has it's expanses of other offerings in Mts, Coast etc with a minimum of people - although you wouldn't think it trying to stay alive on a dinky 3 run ski jo on a Sunday with 1,000's of smil
  13. Yes, there's a few of us deperados. Mind you Shikoku skiing is not something that you would dwell on for long. I think there's 6 resorts with the biggest (Mikawa-10 runs???) and the highest (Ishizuchi - 1,700+m) both in Ehime. When it's a good year, lots of the white stuff falls in the relatively high Shikoku Mts. but conditions can deteriorate quickly. All said though in this the warmest of years, Ishizuchi still had a 200cm depth until 2-3 weeks ago. Normally this would hold for much longer. BUT, for me and many others, the time to travel to these slopes, is not much different to going to
  14. Any number of places along the Kochi coast, especially around the nakamura area. If you're lucky, warm days, glassy with 4 - 6 foot peels. Boarders delight.
  15. Ocean11, I guess you don't mean "filthy" snow as in "wicked" snow? Yeh, here in the Western boondocks of Japan we've seen THE BEST start to Dec./Jan. in decades virtually wiped out in a week. Most places have lost a metre or more. Can't believe 2 weeks ago I was in beeyuutiful dumps of powder and now April slush abounds. What gives? The coldest Jan. week in 20 years turned to the warmest Jan week in 40 years. Tears upon tears and my wife says she can't stand the whining anymore so for the sake of domestic bliss this next blast better dump BIG. please.
  16. Always something a little suss when the attacks become personal, BUT I won't dwell on that. When this thread began it was on the "value" of moguls. It quickly turned into the well thrashed, often biased (by both sides) boarders vs skiers "debate". Perhaps my initial comment calling such a discussion inane was written in haste, but after the "skiers are like wine drinkers" and "boarders are like beer drinkers" comments and the tale of woe concerning the rich kids that always went on skool ski trips, I thought this is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g it. It's 2002 and the attitudes we carry re. our snow purs
  17. sno-bee Geeeez! Can the mindless boarders VS skiers diatribe get more inane than this? Get a focus on it!
  18. yes, this seasons new mod. They're readily available here in Japan. All reviews I've read have been pretty Raveee, but it seems opinions differ on suitable size and what level & style would match them. Mmmm?
  19. great new site all. Sort of set on a new pair of escape 5500's. I'm a mid intermediate, 173cm tall, 70kg and try to get 14+ skiing days in. Any comments or advice re. all of this would be great. Up to this point I've heard varying info.
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