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Everything posted by barok

  1. based on what ? ? ? does nobody in the States care about the victory, and the cup ? I watched the game (taped) tonite with a bunch of people at a party. just because the coverage is poor doesn't mean that there aren't plenty of fans taping, watching, etc. but yeah, shame on the networks for not rebroadcasting, etc.
  2. well, if you've got all your turns down, then you're in good shape. to start learning tricks, you gotta get your ollie on point. . an ollie is just a jump. to set it up, lean back on your back leg, and use the snap of the board to jump up. once you can ollie, you can go off smaller jumps and cat tracks. grab when you get enough height. the first real trick is a 180. they are fun as hell, and super easy. you can practice them in your room. allz you do is twist your body one way, then jump and twist the other way, and your legs and the board will
  3. oh yeah, and how much does a PS2 cost in Japan ? Yen or USD okay. Thanks in advance.
  4. yep, get a shovel, head into the backcountry, and build and jump and build and jump and repeat.
  5. you can get games for all different prices here. i think retail they are like $50-$70 but you can get them used and you can get good deals on ebay.com i want to get a system, but i'll probably just wait till I get to japan
  6. Quote: Originally posted by NoFakie: The point about most people being not very good is probably true, but why's it lame that everyone has a go? Sounds like the epitomy of the punk spirit to me. The vast majority of rock now sounds completely derivative. responding to your post and maybe a few others, NoFakie. I think it would be the epitome of the punk spirit if people did it on a personal level, and if there wasn't so much attitude and ego involved. i can't tell you the number of times some fool has come up to me all arrogant like "hey maaan i'm DJ Flash G, check
  7. well a "three" is just another word for a 360, and so a huge three is like when you go off a big air jump and dial a 360.
  8. Yep this is the braggarts thread. So what's your best trick, if not your best then your favorite trick. If you freestyle that izzzz. I can do 360's - not huge threes, and no grab yet, but I can do 'em every time. I also like to tailgrab.
  9. seeing as the number of deep powder days is a mere fraction of the number of days where I've had sex, I'd have to go with the powder, although it's real close. now both in the same day, that's something I've never had . . .
  10. So tosh, do you mean that it will work, but that Japanese games aren't compatible ?
  11. Thanks for the news. Too bad. That's really too bad. Oh well, can you get GTA3 over there ?
  12. If I get a PS2 here in the states, will it work in japan ? will the games that I buy in Japan work on my USA PS2 ? gracias in advance.
  13. don't forget Tadashi Fuse, right ? He was (i think #4) in an olympic half-pipe final where the medals could have gone to any 3 in the top 6.
  14. jib is when you hit any man-made obstacle with your snowboard (or skiis). the obstacles are more often than not, metal rails, but you can also hit funboxes, concrete structures, stairs, or objects formed from ice or snow. you generally grind or slide on the obstacle. i kinda thought it missed the point of (snow)boarding, until I tried it, it's super fun.
  15. I don't know the answer to this question to be sure, but I do know there is an important link between healthy teeth and (especially) gums and a healthy heart. Every study I have read about it cites an unhealthy mouth as the cause and increased chances for heart disease as the effect. it seems strange, but if you think about it, there are a whole lot of blood vessels in your mouth, and alot of tension in the teeth/gums area. if the blood flow in this area gets screwed up, there will be changes in blood pressure, blood flow etc. so it makes sense that if y
  16. ??? In preparation for next season, I'm trying to score as much backcountry gear as possible. I want to buy an avalanche transceiver, but I'm afraid that the signal might not be the same signal used in Japan (I am in the States). Any backcountry reg'lars know if transceiver signals are all the same or if there are differences ? muchos gracias
  17. No waaay, the Simpsons is as funny as it has ever been. they rarely miss. although I will agree that from about 5 seasons ago to about 2 season's ago were the best of the best. best episodes ever: the Beer Baron, and the Insanity Pepper (not the episodes' real names)
  18. don't get a wide board. just don't. you'll be scraping and stuttering down the mountain. wide boards, even slightly wide boards, just don't turn as well. they also are not as flexy. [This message has been edited by barok (edited 10 May 2002).]
  19. anyone, anyone ? I like The Shining and Silence of the Lambs for Horror/Suspense. The Matrix, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, and the Empire Strikes Back for Action/Sci-Fi. Enemy at the Gates & Saving Private Ryan are good war movies. Happy Gilmore and Monty Python Search for the Holy Grail made me laugh the loudest and longest. anyone else ?
  20. oh yeah, and i just don't get -listening- to dance music when you are not dancing. seems like you're kinda missing the singular point of the music.
  21. I was a rave/club promoter for 5 years, until I just couldn't stand it any longer. So I've heard it all. Sooooo laaaaame. Actually I can take it in small doses - like if I go out to a club and it is actually a fun club night with a skilled DJ, I can deal. I like to dance. But the whole thing with everyone being a DJ is super lame. There are at least 100 terrible DJ's for every good one. And that's true on the jetsetting level as well as the local level. Same with club nights, 100 lame nights for every good one. Well at least around here.
  22. whoo-hoo. i think all you need to do, sachiko, is to say i'll be here at this resort at this time, and you'll have a flock of Single SJG guys to ride with
  23. empire strikes back is the second one - and yes it is the best. i really like star wars, but the phantom menace sucked.
  24. well i see your point. for the kids ages 10-18 who are playing it and their parents, yes. the hope being they will get to play soccer in college being the biggest driving force. i see it as more of a personalized glory rather than a societal glory (as you would have with American football, baseball, etc.) but i think that's good. whenever i think of european football, i think of fights, riots and hooligans. when i think of South American football, I think of those crazy announcers screaming " gooooooooooool ! ! ! !! " the us doesn't have either
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