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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Ocean11

  1. Fossil, what exactly do you do for a living? I'm sure mad people on drugs are worse than straight mad people, but would you say it was the drugs that drove them mad in the first place in the cases you mention? Have you had many weed deaths or weed smokers swinging punches? As for > I refer to the poisons I prescribe as well. have you seen the rather interesting articles at Counterpunch.org about informal surveys of doctors prescribing cannabis? I don't want to sound antagonistic. I'm just curious. While I think people should be able to do what they want if the
  2. I picture montoya sitting in his mesh chair using one of those trackballs.
  3. I wear out mice pretty quickly so as an alternative, I got one of those trackballs from a secondhand shop. After a short while it drove me completely nuts and gave me cramp in my hand. Selecting text is really hard and requires finger contortions that are not natural and that don't really need to be learned in one's middle age. I took it back to the secondhand shop and sold it for almost what I paid for it (the secondhand shop went bust, and I was not surprised). I was sorry to see the shiny marbled ball go though, because it was very beautiful. I'm sure sex toys with that finish wou
  4. You're not alone there rach. NickNack agrees widyou; "I ain't changing my style I'm just tellin' the bitch niggers why I don't exchange a smile - Rap niggers make me laugh" tra-la-la
  5. Book them into a backpackers in Hakuba so they can bond.
  6. Mantas, to give you some quick answerlets > 1- Greenpeace has said 77% of the Japanese population is against whaling. That means 23% are either FOR killing whales, or couldn't give a shit, or both. The reality is we are talking about nearly 30 million people! Hardly an insignificant number. This is not a recognizable issue for most Japanese, and it's not something that's ever an election issue (and it's questionable if there really are election issues in Japan anyway). The numbers just relate to a lightly held opinion. 2- Bushpig said earlier that the Japanese whaling indus
  7. Quote: Originally posted by bettyx: in my jhschool english classes my teacher insists i say 'i like skiing', as these city students don't know about snowboarding! So I guess they won't know anything about snowboarding at the end of the lesson either. I had always had the impression that lessons were for learning about unfamiliar things...
  8. Quote: Originally posted by rach: So what "powers" do these kami folk have then? I'm confused as to what they're all about. They have the power to disguise themselves as little flies who come to drink the sake left at shrines and graveyards.
  9. > fell on to his hands next to a skier. She was standing still Yes, skiers do that. Good luck with learning to gape merryJim.
  10. > I can enjoy the flow and beat of the music and it does fit the pace of the riding a lot of times Give me Vivaldi or give me death! I was in Alpen the other day on a desperate mission to find something I need (why do I keep going to Alpen in the hope of finding anything at all?) and glanced through the snowboarding gear. There was a picture of a 'dude' and I swear, the crotch of his trousers was where I have my knees, and the legs of his trousers were half way under his heels. I kept staring at the picture trying to understand what I was seeing, but it didn't make any sense.
  11. Quote: Originally posted by Indosnm: Japanese co O11? Indeed. I thought my coworkers would hate me for it, and in fact, some of them clearly did. But others said they wished they could pluck up the nerve to do it too, and in the end some of them did. At a subsequent company, we were expected to do physical jerks at 10am and 3pm, but only a few people bothered. So they sent some middle managers round with armbands who shouted "Taiso shimasho! Genki yoku, taiso shimasho!" It was fun to smirk at them over the top of my PC screen. Having battled with the company to provide somewhere to hang
  12. Right, well now I know you're a troll who doesn't know your own mind, I'll ignore you. Trolls can never resist outing themselves after ever such a short while...
  13. Quote: Originally posted by number9: No, I still don't get why whales get special treatment in the eyes of many westerners when compared to other mammals. Can you prove they do? Or is that just something you say when people argue in favour of protecting whales? What, are we supposed to bring say, badgers, into the discussion every time? No, I don't think the UK government should be culling badgers either (but if farmers need to shoot a couple now and again, fine). Quote: The truth about whaling sustainability must lie somewhere inbetween conservationists study findings and whaling i
  14. Matey doesn't have a point. It's all reductio ad absurdum. e.g.; > So, do you succussfully avoid all toxins and harmful chemicals and whatnot in all food you consume? Or is this level of attention paid to only specific ingredients, like whale meat I don't know if I 'successfully' avoid all toxins, but I try quite hard. And I pay a high level of attention to known risks, and also try to avoid ingredients that involve unsustainable practices. There are lots of other people, including Japanese people, who do the same. You're still obviously clinging to your stubborn, ignorant
  15. > So, whaling can never be sustainable, Who said that? Slippery little bugger aren't you. > What makes whales more special than other animals? The fact that their numbers are so low that it's unknown what factors might provoke their sudden extinction. > While some others aren't, I don't see why they can't be hunted like other game. Because the people who are doing the hunting and the promoting of the industry can't be trusted not to add the odd species here and there just to try it on. There's still plenty out doubt that minke are out of the woods. >
  16. The red herring was for number9's health issue. And the cuteness or cleverness factor has got nothing to do with anything really either. We eat all sorts of clever things. Octopuses are supposed to be really smart, as are pigs. Those of us who aren't vegetarian generally don't let that bother us too much. number9 seems quite smart, but if I was hungry enough, I'd eat him. He may even be cute. The arguments against whaling are that it's not sustainable, either for the whales or for the ocean as a whole. The whalemeat is not that good for you when you've got it, and getting it require
  17. Quote: Originally posted by number9: Anyways, telling the longest living people on earth that their eating habits are unhealthy is, well.. good luck Their eating habits used to be healthy hence the longevity of elderly Japanese now but the succeeding generations have been dying of cancer and other illnesses at a rate that means they won't be particularly long-lived. And whale meat has hardly been a staple of the Japanese diet at any time. As for 'it's only Minke', it won't be soon. Catching the Minke has allowed the whaling fleets to survive to catch the other stuff later, which
  18. Creek Boy, if you are going to write, I suggest you Google "whalemeat heavy metals" first, and keep your approach to the health of the kids, and maybe the ecological damage of whaling (so as to avoid the get-out that number9 and other Japanese really like, ie, "Westerners are so sentimental".)
  19. Can you get a boner or is that not part of the equation?
  20. Why would you be a fan of somebody that you might be booing at some stage? I don't understand this mentality...
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