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Ski Japan Guide

SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by Ski Japan Guide

  1. NoFakie and all.... Thanks for the comments so far. Just a quick note here.... There is a FORUM link in the top right of every single page of the site - its just in a different place, take a look! There are also 4 links to the forum on the main page of the site. So I think it's been given a good position... Trail maps? To start off with 100 or so of them coming up over the next few weeks, linked from the resort pages... There are still a few small things that have the be added, adjusted to the new site, and you will see things "clear up" over the coming few weeks.
  2. SKI JAPAN GUIDE becomes SNOW JAPAN ================================== As you will surely have noticed, we've changed our name! Ski Japan Guide first went online over 3 years ago, and while we remain fond of the name, for a number of reasons the site has been rebranded and reborn for this season as "Snow Japan". We hope you like the name change. There are also many other big changes to the site. DESIGN The first and most obvious is the design and look of it all. INTERACTIVE STUFF Everything that was on SJG is on the new Snow Japan, but maybe in different place
  3. WEATHER UPDATES: Weather Forecasts & Snow Depths----- Please note that the daily weather forecasts and snow depth information will begin to be updated correctly in the coming days - this explains why some of the data seems incorrect for now! It'll be running smoothly soon, honest! NOW Daily pages----- The NOW! pages are starting to be updated fairly regularly from today. They will become active with daily updates - sometimes multiple times in a day - as the snow arrives. Enjoy the site Thanks Snow Japan
  4. SKI JAPAN GUIDE becomes SNOW JAPAN ================================== As you will surely have noticed, we've changed our name! Ski Japan Guide first went online over 3 years ago, and while we remain fond of the name, for a number of reasons the site has been rebranded and reborn for this season as "Snow Japan". We hope you like the name change. There are also many other big changes to the site. DESIGN The first and most obvious is the design and look of it all. INTERACTIVE STUFF Everything that was on SJG is on the new Snow Japan, but maybe in different places
  5. We want all the functionality of the site to be bug-free (read "as bug free as is possible") before opening it all for everyone to use. We are working very hard on it believe me......just a bit more time.....glad to know you're looking forward to it!
  6. ....also check out our Niseko Now! page when the new site goes online.....
  7. Thanks for the post mogski. We're doing our best to get online asap, but it's becoming a rather complex beast so lot of work to do......just wait a while longer. And we hope you're not disappointed! PS Just so you're not disappointed - in the near future we hope to be able to let all users have a small graphic with their posts, but at the beginning it will be just us
  8. Kandatsu Kogen was always crowded. Go on a weekday though and it is far from crowded...
  9. Thanks for klubhead for sending in these photos today... He went to Yeti ski area near Mt Fuji today and reports that it was suprisingly good 1km course, a little narrow but the snow was spring-like, not a bad 1st day of the season!!! Thanks klubhead!
  10. Alas, we have no control over that, but we did email them a while back to point this out. Seems they didn't do anything about it....yet.
  11. The "best" snow in Yuzawa is to be found at Kagura, Tashiro - known to get powder sometimes. The other places that get the best snow are the top part of GALA and Naeba at times.
  12. Another small update to Hakuba Now: http://www.skijapanguide.com/2002/daily-reports/hakuba-now.html FYI, the new site will see an improved and re-organised weather/daily reports center....
  13. Good idea...we are planning on having a few official threads going on in winter to cover this sort of thing. Feedback from everyone on the idea here would be really good. In the meantime, we must get back to working on this new site...... Cheers SJG
  14. Let's keep everything friendly shall we? Going to close this topic, let's get back to the snow....
  15. This one can stay, but for the record, word against Ocean is not scrubbed at all. I think the best thing to do in that case may well be to just ignore any member that gets on your nerves like that. Other people will make their own judgements.... Cheers
  16. We are in the process of organising a SJG Chrismas PARTY in Tokyo early December.....stay tuned!
  17. Short update on Niseko Now! - they will all be coming into action soon..... http://www.skijapanguide.com/2002/daily-reports/niseko-now.html
  18. Oops, yes you're right Ocean. Wouldn't we like to go down there and check it out.....
  19. We've asked around a bit this morning and can't find anywhere that's open. Let us know if you here more....
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