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SnowJapan Admin
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Everything posted by SnowJapan

  1. SJ#1 is the one with most of the contacts at resorts, so I'm not really involved in that. But I do know that it is unfortunately not easy to get something that could be a "Feature" without it coming across as simply a promotion. There are lots of 'off-record' comments and info, but we can't really publish those!
  2. In that base of people involved there nationalities involved are: UK, Japan, Australia, US.
  3. No. Thanks for all the feedback (here and by mail). We're open to the idea of doing something like this again in the future answering more questions.
  4. Interesting Journey Man. Facebook stuff - I have no idea. Second point is interesting, I don't know why that is happening and this kind of thing is not my bag.... I'll pass it to someone who's bag it is tomorrow. Thanks. PS Why are you typing with your thumbs?
  5. A new interview with the creator of SnowJapan has been put online. http://www.snowjapan.com/e/features/interviews-andrew-lea.html "Last month I sat down with Mr Andrew Lea, otherwise known on the Forums as SJ#1, and more importantly the creator of SnowJapan and still the man in charge of the operation. Over the years we have had many people ask us about SnowJapan and I took this opportunity to ask him a few questions about the site, how it got started, it's history and future. SJForums (David), February 2008" http://www.snowjapan.com/e/features/interviews-andrew-lea.html
  6. In the past I don't think they have been shy about adding to numbers. You'd hope though that in a perfect world they would just tell us the actual (real) numbers!!
  7. I really don't know why. It is quite perplexing when it doesn't change over a short period when you know there has been well over 1m. You'd think they would want to be shouting out about it. And more importantly you'd think that with such large amounts of snow falling over a short period that the snow depths would increase! Answers on a postcard please...
  8. Kagura just don't seem to add to their numbers of late, even on the day when they said there was 80cm since the day before! We do try to mention this discrepency quite often in the text of the Now reports.... but it is a little annoying isn't it!?
  9. Hello chili Here are a few: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/features/features-gala-experience.html http://www.snowjapan.com/e/features/setting-journals-29.html http://www.snowjapan.com/e/features/features-snowboard-instructing-in-japan.html http://www.snowjapan.com/e/features/features-89.html I'm sure you find some more if you do a search on the Foruns: http://www.snowjapanforums.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/search You might also be interested in this: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/resorts/jobs-available/index.html Good luck!
  10. I'm not sure exactly what you mean there janus. If you use some of the map pages here it might help http://www.snowjapan.com/e/maps/toyama-prefecture-maps.html http://www.snowjapan.com/e/maps/nagano-prefecture-maps.html
  11. I can't see the pictures either. I can't see any reason why they are not appearing, so can't really help there sorry. Fattwins + muikabochi. I really don't know what you are both talking about above. I can only guess but it seems to be something about uploading photos to our site. --- On the subject of photos, allow me to make one comment (directed at no-one in particular). Do we hope that people will upload their photos to snowjapan? Yes, of course we do. That's why the photos section is there. On the suggestion of a number of members last year we invested in redeveloping
  12. For the people who hadn't noticed yet, we have 30 lift tickets up for grabs this week - 10 for Zao, 10 for Kusatsu and 10 for Shiga Kogen: http://www.snowjapan.com/e/insider/special.php http://www.snowjapanforums.com/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/259301/an/9#Post259301
  13. Another good point and one we will certainly discuss - thanks
  14. I don't think so actually. Maybe one of the threads that we posted when we uploaded all the updates back in November?
  15. Well we can put it on the list. Super geeks are currently rather busy doing other things, and like I said it hasn't caused too many problems and so it's not too urgent. Good suggestion though thank you.
  16. It is a browser issue, some browsers just don't like the chat box when it gets non-ABC characters in it. Only a small number, but enough for us to want to ask people to just keep it English. Thanks.
  17. Please just try to avoid posting any non-alphabetical characters please. Thanks.
  18. Thank you for your comments MOFOFUNC. I hope you have a great time up there. I just wanted to make the point for the benefit of everyone reading.
  19. The people who post the reports on our site are based in those areas. Unlike reports that are written by people & companies who are trying to get you to go somewhere and to spend your money, our reporters are under (rather strict) instructions to "tell it like it is". That is the basic concept by which we are posting these reports and it means both the good and the bad. It is not in our interests to report anything other than the truth and we do all we can to ensure that. In the reports they are not comparing the conditions to those at other resorts in Japan or in another cou
  20. sockmonkey. I will ignore the sarcasm this time and also ask, why should this entire thread be deleted? Quote: ....but i'm not supposed to comment on the way things are run here according new rules..... Incorrect, that isn't new at all. Don't agree/accept board policies = don't post here. Simple.
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