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Everything posted by Tachypsychia

  1. yep, that ones a classic…..really gets the kids and oldies feet tapping along Google comes up with nothing for this.. I don't know if its a song or artist or playlist or album or what... Sadly addictive k-pop, thanks. I'm glad they're wearing their helmets too.
  2. Glad you found some snow there too. It's been constantly snowing here. Another 20cm since morning.
  3. Day 15- February 5th 2014- Hopeful conditions this morning. Twenty cm or more on the ground and car at close to sea level with a constant light snow falling. Visibility around a kilometer, and much worse throughout the day Fresh powder ready to ride Storming pretty good Didn't wake up sore from yesterday which is a bigger surprise than the snow since I can actually take advantage of it. I think the powder will take some harshness out of the ride from yesterday. I barely feel somestrain in my knees and hip flexors but after doing some extended squats and jumps they we
  4. So there's a post for music you're currently listening to, but what about what you listen to while out on the slopes? Do you even listen to music while you're out there? I almost always have at least one ear bud in when I'm doing sports, snowboarding, biking, motorcycle, running, ect. The right music gets me excited and more focused I tend to think. I've been recently listening to hour long 'chillstep' remixed by BluMixes As well as a guy called Seven Lions that does some good stuff as well. Dont know if it's everyone's cup of tea but I prefer non lyrical mu
  5. Ya...flakes were falling in Usami this morning, too. It has been a while indeed.h Get busy plowing!
  6. got an extra 20cm of base on the mountain in two days worth of snow. Way more than that actually ON the mountain and around the town there's great accumulation. Overdid it going two days in a row for 5 hours though... rest day for today and I still have the weekend before it starts to melt again. Get it while the gettins good.
  7. I put in a request yesterday via the old contact us method....do I need to redo one or am I good?
  8. No beer in the vending machines unfortunately... So they have food in the vending machines, but not beer? Hard to believe I know. This resort doesn't though others I've visited do.
  9. Just caught it too. Never going to do any double corks but I could get hurt doing something just as simple... Time to buy a helmet.
  10. Holy crap it was. It really really was. I don't think I've seen a documentary about an injury in a sport or otherwise that did such a great job addressing it from all sides. Kevin is so lucky to have a caring extremely intelligent family that knows how to talk out their feelings without getting upset or yelling at them. It was really refreshing to see them talk about their concerns for him together at dinner. I hope my family can do that. Also I'm going to buy a helmet. Tomorrow.
  11. Best we had up here in Shimokita was a "blizzard" where we got about 50cm in less than 24 hours. I thought that was gnarly. But oh wait, then it all melted two days later. Hoping for some late season dumps as I'm all decked out and ready for a showdown.
  12. Ah, can't attest to the smell of Towada onsen yet. Maybe later this year. It's too late to onsen tonight.. but I wanna. Maybe tomorrow. *sigh*
  13. You're in 青森県?! I was in Towada a little bit back looking for a board and visiting a friend. Didn't get a chance to visit any onsens though.
  14. Holy Hell. Hope some winds up blowing north. Haven't had good powder to ride on in a month! Looking to travel a bit myself for the freshies.
  15. Surprised I missed you video until now. Great stuff. Ugh. Now I have to go back and watch all your other videos too. Thanks for that
  16. Yup they're very simillar and the ones you helped me find a few weeks back
  17. Day 12- February 4th 2014- Absolutely epic session today. Boarded for about 5 hours but with some pretty high intensity. The boots and bindings are more than a night and day difference. It's like before and after the big bang up in diz place. It was one of the busier days for a weekday as a school (苫生小 which is apparently pronounced Thomas...?!) was there for a lesson They even put up lanes at the lift so people that weren't in the group could get on quicker, which I liked. First run I decided to take it slow and run down the bottom slope, and dodge in and out of t
  18. Ended up just getting a 40 dollar pair that worked ok this morning before heading to the slopes. I went to grab the reusch gloves but only had 6000 in my wallet and wasn't about to go back and forth for an ATM before getting on the mountain. They did get a bit wet but I didn't fall or stay in the snow very long, so I think they were too hot and my hands sweat a good bit. First world problems I guess.
  19. I think my top sheet needs a good sticker bomb.. any ideas when some are going to be available David?
  20. Finally got around to getting some of those bath tablets. Got some for smell and some that are supposed to help sore muscles. Don't know if they work but they leave you smelling good and the bath helps the muscles on its own.
  21. Got about 10cm at sea level and an extra 5cm of base on the mountain today. Nothing special but a bit of fresh to start your day never hurt anyone.
  22. I just keep waxing it to protect the base somewhat. Whenever I see white on it, I'll hit it with a quick coat. I use the purple gallium almost exclusively since temperatures seem to hover here in that -4 +3 range, as well as good deals on rakuten funding my stock. I have about a kilo worth of the stuff so that should last me well into next season.
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