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SnowJapan Member
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Everything posted by KatyB

  1. Good to hear about those Fukushima resorts. Lets hope they're not just saying that as other things are happening behind the scenes so to speak.
  2. Here's a kindle-y question.... do you turn yours OFF? Or just let it sleep? I can't quite find a simple answer as to what is best for it.
  3. How's your exercises going Mamabear. I have been trying. But I must admit, not hard enough. I find the motivation a big problem. Give me reason!
  4. Even worse when they on top of that ask you if you want to add more for a tip!
  5. Amazing shots. Wow. Can really see some huge scale there. I vote 5 stars! MUST GO THERE!
  6. I wish I could go. With the forecast not showing much snow in the coming week at Zao, would it be right in saying that the Monsters are about their peak size around about now?
  7. I will be going to that area this weekend, cannot wait. Never seen that much snow! First time skiing in a while as well.
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