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Everything posted by seemore

  1. Thanks TB I thought it had something to do with nudity But judging by this thread it could be a boob tube thingy around your beck maybe!!! Seemore
  2. I am sure it is on the SJ site somewhere but I can't find it. How cold does it get Late Dec early Jan in Niseko? Have to work out what clothes to bring Seemore
  3. Hi SH Yes some doctors don't really have a clue Iam glad that you have finally found out the problems and now can work towards getting better. Are you still going over at Xmas? Seemore
  4. Nice turns On what looks like nice snow Where were you there? And how wide is your board? Seemore
  5. It is a magical time when you get to share the water with whales or dolphins. Is that out at lennox or were you up the coast. Seemore
  6. Mantas The age old dilema to surf or take photos. I will try to get a few next time it firing. Seemore
  7. Fair Call SJ Sorry Robson Can't help you out with details but I always found that sometimes being in the right place at the right time always got me work. But I never had a problem cleaning toilets. Seemore
  8. Bacon, Eggs & Beans on Toast Some carbs to soak up excesses from last nights post Grand Final/ first sunny day in ages BBQ excuse to catch up with friends and drink Seemore
  9. SJ I thought he was promoting Furano But I am Australian. It is a common trait that we take the piss out of people places we like. It is a bit cryptic though. Seemore
  10. Jynxx Hear is another couple of questions for you. What width is a wide board? What is a Bannana Board? Seemore
  11. 1st Offshore Day in over 3 weeks 4M swell and private school kids break up a day early so local is packed with lids. I did manage too get a few though Seemore
  12. I went to Main Peak yesterday The guy was a tosser who was trying to chat up this girl by telling everyone really loudly about his adventures. And the prices were ridiculous You are better off flying to Melbourne it still would be cheaper with flights included. Seemore
  13. Thursday That is what I tell people as well but as I live in the land of flies I find that they are attracted to lime. So unless the flies in Mexico are different That is a urban mith Seemore
  14. Yes I know that well just sold my car and the guy wanted to know if if was from the mines the red dust was just from the gravel tracks around Kalbarri But yes it goes everywhere. Commisserations east coast the only time I am happy when it's offshore Seemore
  15. Wine in Bali is normally shit but thats another thread Unless you go to Warren Meads new place in Jimbaran where he imports the best wine in the world from Western Australia Seemore
  16. Mate you have too much money unless it is a work car then you can claim for these indulgences I will give you a call this weekend Seemore
  17. Hi G Mate we are going over Xmas and New year for 10 Days and I think Gareth is going in his dreams (I am sure he will let you know) Seemore
  18. Inglorious Baterds Brilliant Tarantino's twist on history is excelent Seemore
  19. Google Jim or some of the accomodation links will take you through there guest services for tickets Seemore
  20. Sorry Everyone Back on Track Bintang Bagus Bagus
  21. Hi Mate I certainely hope you are talking about your car I work out In the display village in Piara Waters So I could pop by on the weekend. Seemore
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