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Everything posted by tokabochi

  1. It works fine and responsive most of the time, but then at times it seems to get into this 'locked up' kind of phase. Not totally locked up, it's still thinking but it is extremely unresponsive and almost un-usable. It's as if it's busy doing stuff and if I click on something telling me to "go away I'm busy now, come back later"!! This lasts for a short while (more than a few minutes, less than say 30 minutes), but seems to get itself out of that funk and goes back to being ok and normal. It's about 3 years old and much used. I probably need a new one. But it seems ok most of the t
  2. Higashi chu-uka? Can't remember the proper name, sounds something like that.
  3. They don't want to beat their "100 sold in Japan" record, so it seems!
  4. Been rather windy since yesterday in this area. Still hardly any rain though.
  5. I'm all for admitting my own deficiencies. One of my glaring ones is a lack of patience. If I ask something I want an answer quick. I hate waiting, it drives me up the wall and I get real worked up when something is done obviously slower than it could/should be. Anyone else the same?
  6. It is indeed Gala Yuzawa. Just before you move over to the North Area, looking left towards Tokamachi.
  7. Nankai trough mag 8-9, 60-70% chance within 30 years. 90% within 50 years. Those pretty big % numbers there. What do they say it is for the under Tokyo one? 政府の地震調査委員会(委員長=本蔵義守・東工大名誉教授)は24日、東海地方から四国、九州沖にかけて延びる「南海トラフ」のどこかで、マグニチュード(M)8~9級の地震が30年以内に発生する確率は、60~70%と発表した。  10年以内は20%程度、20年以内40~50%、50年以内90%程度以上と予測している。  南海トラフを「東海」「東南海」「南海」の3領域に分けて発生確率を算出していた従来の手法を見直した。本蔵委員長はこの日の記者会見で、「M8以上の地震が発生する切迫性はかなり高い。今後の地震、津波対策を着実に推進してもらいたい」と話した。  今回の見直しは、広範囲のプレート(岩板)が動いた東日本大震災を教訓に実施された。これまで想定していたよりも広い範囲でプレートが動く可能性を考慮し、南海トラフの震源域を2倍以上に広げた。
  8. I have noticed quite a few police cars round recently in this area too actually. Must be that late spring safety push.
  9. More sunny blue skies here too this morning, going to get hotter too.
  10. Interesting stuff. I just found this: "An unusual feature of Japanese housing is that houses are presumed to have a limited lifespan, and are generally torn down and rebuilt after a few decades, generally twenty years for wooden buildings and thirty years for concrete buildings" Honto? Just 20 years? I would guess pretty much all of the houses in my neighbourhood are older than 20, lots of them considerably more........
  11. New = 新 One = 1....looks like I. 新I 新井 ARAI! And topical as it was being discussed today.
  12. You can drive up to there but I think the parking lots are cordened off. Nothing stopping you walking over there though I guess. Can't see them having security over there. I don't think lift tickets were particularly expensive, perhaps just a bit more than usual. But the hotels and everything else was. And they needed lots of people to stay in those hotels, but the people didn't stay.
  13. Great snow and lots of it. It was just too far out of Myoko, and probably too expensive for it's own good, so it just couldn't go on.
  14. How warm is it up there now Tubby? Nice pics muika, I thought the Skyline would have all been open by now. Just the middle part by the looks?
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