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About ii-tamago

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  1. Should I care? Sorry, just things like that go well over my head. I'm doing well to type so much here and be logged into the interwebs!
  2. In Osaka now but it has been a roundabout journery via Hiroshima, Kyushi, Mie and Tokyo!
  3. I see gasoline went up again today. Crazy how that price is just shooting up right now. I was thinking this must be a big worry for the ski resorts and their prices. They were just about starting to bring them down, but this will really strangle them. I wonder if we'll be seeing more expensive tickets come winter? Great site and forums by the way.
  4. I've been here a while and seen a lot of changes - other than less people on the slopes (good for the people on them), most have unfortunately been tales of cutbacks and emptiness. It makes me sad. There is hope though, lets hope the fuel thing doesn't mess it all up.
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