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Paper doors, I just keep on breaking them

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I think you mean shoji


A funny story...


My first year here I or friends kept getting drunk and poking a finger though when trying to open the shoji doors. When winter rolled around the draughts got cold and so I fixed them with lots of care before 10 friends arrived for Christmas. I made a big deal about it "be careful everyone, please take care" yadda yadda and then on Christmas day I was bringing the other table into the main room, tripped and all 4 legs went through the paper doors. It first I was so mad with myself because the draughts are something wicked through them but it really was really funny. Then a snowboard fell down through each segement of paper, someone fell and a whole arm went through... it just kept getting worse.


Shoji suck and are so stupid. My friends house has them made out of plastic so they still let the light in, you can clean them and it takes a lot more than a finger to make a hole. Get with the 21st century yo!

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Tunnels used to stage huge fights with the Checkers in studio mock ups of Japanese houses. Watching them use each other as human battering rams on the fusuma and shoji was a scream. It's something I want to try one day. (I once rode a motorcycle at full clip through the side of a big old tent and out the other while my colleagues were eating lunch inside, leaving huge holes in the manky canvas - one of the most satisfying episodes of my whole life...)

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Nah youre right freaky, it was pretty funny, esp for the people in the other room to hear "shit" and then see 4 legs crashing through the paper.


And O11 I moved out of that house because they were going to demolish it to build something else. So when I left I punched every single piece of shoji out and put some stuff through the fusuma. After so long of being careful not to it was liberating indeed.


That tent story sounds cool. Ah what fun we can have sometimes.

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swelgen, post of the morning there for me my dear. ROTFL!


You aren't a blonde by some chance? (Before anyone goes off on there high horse I AM A BLONDE SO I AM ALLOWED TO MAKE FUN OF THEM!)

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