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tinnitus - what sound of silence?

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so who else abused their ears and lives with constant ringing? too many dance parties, music too loud at home....


mine is of similar pitch and intensity as a telly with the sound off.


never to hear silence again......

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whoa, i don't have anything permenant but i get temporary tinitus really easy now. just listening to head phones will give it to me for about 10 mins but after a rave, i'll be hearing it for a day or 2. been stuffing my ears with wet toilet paper at parties for the last five years too. maybe that's helped. ears tho, definately sumthing worth looking after.


sad to hear u got it permanently mika, not trying to sound stupid here, what is it like? do u get used to it? i wanna know cos it scares the crap out of me.

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i've had it for a long time now. in all honesty it isnt really that troublesome. it only troubles me when it is super mega quiet...but if i pay attention to the ringing, it becomes deafeningly loud. on a daily basis i never notice it. and my hearing for all purposes i care to notice is fine.


the parties that caused the problem were, it should be noted, totally worthwhile...but now, somehow, seem so distant...

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Yeah I've got that too, though the ringing is louder after a night out. I didn't even know what it was until a few months ago, then I was told it had a special name. Thought everyone had it...


It's a muted ringing sound, though sometimes for a few seconds it'll become really loud then die out agian.

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