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Come on now Gentlemen, put your handbags away....lets get back to debating and avoid such language.


db when your dog humps shoe boxes does he have a preference...Hush Puppies perhaps. \:\)



Sorry....thats terrible. \:\(

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db, hammer and tongs again then. You asked for it.


> Oh, but I thought marriage was the cause and setting of reproduction, not the simple pleasure of dropping a load.


Straw man argument. I never said anything of the sort.


> Remember, we are animals and as we evolved we needed to be sure that we got the job done first time. Horizontally and stationary is more likely to work than vertical and running around looking for berries and what not.


Certain animals (frogs maybe) only get one shot at the job. Humans can have as many shots as they have time and motivation for. Humans seem to have come a long way while 'running around looking for berries and what not', and shagging in all manner of postures.


> Yes, he is stupid, which is why he tries to hump things that are not dogs, including shoe boxes.


Animals do that for two main reasons; masturbation and practice. I'm sure your dog doesn't have a highly developed sense of irony, hence the shoe box, but for practice I'm sure it serves nicely.


> But that proves nothing. What is the most efficient and productive manner to drink milk? Upside down or stationary in the normal head-up position?


Oh but is does prove something. It proves that your simplistic Up Down theory is completely irrelevant. As do a whole swathe of other facts/data. As for 'most efficient and productive', it's hardly ever a principle in actual life, and if you had read any books on evolution, you would know that it's not necessarily a dominant principle in evolution either.


> All I did was repeat a documented scientific theory.


Right, without performing that essential sniff test first. Did you know that the planets are attached to invisible spheres that make sweet melodies as they go round? That's a a documented scientific theory too.


> All you did was throw opinion at it and use words like drivel.


Lies. I analyzed it and used words like drivel.


> And accuse them of making up stories, which is a ploy often used by people how strut the streets thinking they know better than every one else and hold any new information in contempt.


I dish out insults. I accept insults too. But unlike you, I don't dish out insults and then pretend that I don't.


I'm very amused that 'Reason' is the first word of your little slogan there... or is that just a future goal?


This is actually irrelevant to the topic, so that's my last word on the subject of how human couples currently, and have always, and will always make children.


Mr Matthews

> Our scientific achievements are only achievable due to the evolved state of humankind. Thus anything we achieve through this is part of evolution. Same sex couples having children, is therefore part of an evolutionary process.


You're getting tangled up in words there. You're freely mixing definitions 2 and 4 below (from M-W)


2 a : a process of change in a certain direction : UNFOLDING .... c (1) : a process of continuous change from a lower, simpler, or worse to a higher, more complex, or better state : GROWTH (2) : a process of gradual and relatively peaceful social, political, and economic advance d : something evolved


4 a : the historical development of a biological group (as a race or species) : PHYLOGENY b : a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations


Definition 4 is conventionally limited to reproduction through straightforward sex. Sorry...

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“You asked for it”.


That is was said as though you were assuming that:

a) I give a care in the world,

B) You are right and I am about to see why.


I was not exactly trembling as I read on.


Ocean, If you read some books on evolution, you might spot all the mistakes and straw man arguments in your post. See, that throw away line goes both ways.


As for my reasoning abilities… perhaps I will improve mine when you stop tumbling down and learn how to snowboard. Childish, isn't it?


As for drinking milk upside-down. You are wrong, your argument sound nice to say but it proves nothing. I said that before.


“As for 'most efficient and productive', it's hardly ever a principle in actual life…… it's not necessarily a dominant principle in evolution either”


You are not serious!! You have been in Japan to long.


The rest is not worth responding to. It was simple tit-for-tat, do so/do not redundancy.

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