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I have a Vodafone but only because I heard Docomo charges foreigners a 30000yen fee in the form of a "bond" when you sign up. Does anyone know if this is true?


Vodafone have this good deal going on weekends and public holidays where you can talk for 5yen/min with other mates who have Vodafones. I dont think the other companies have that sort of deal going on.

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I'm stuck with DoCoMo because my work depends on the keitai and I've had the same number for around 8 years. However if you live in Tokyo you can get the cheaper Citiphone - no frills phone, no email etc, cheaper rates, not quite as strong connection. The citiphone won't work off Honshu, and more remote areas in honshu aren't serviced by it, though the big cities and quite a lot of it is. You can check the map to see what areas are serviced and I think it continues to grow, though they tend to downplay the Citiphone service cos they want everyone to pay for the more expensive 'Digital' service. I have a 'Digital' phone and a Citiphone. I switched over to Digital when I had a month job in Hokkaido last year. (lazily never switched it back). Will probably switch back to Citiphone again in March cos it's definitely cheaper.


As for the deposit, yes, I think it's true unless it's changed again - last I heard, sometime early last year it was being protested and some people boycotted DoCoMo as a result. It's only for new accounts after the date it was brought in, not for people who had already signed up. It seems that lots of gaijin were skipping town without paying their bills. But of course lots of Japanese don't pay their bills either - hence the uproar about it.

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Does anyone know how they're doing in Japan? It will sure be difficult to grab share off Docomo which has this fanatical following or so it seems, for some bizarre reason.

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