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Marathon runners and other sports stars

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Whats the deal with lots of the sports stars here? When they say they "work for Toyota" (or other big J company), do they actually WORK for them or are the companies just sponsors, or what? Does anyone know how all that works?

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The atheletes are sponsored by, but at the same time work for the company. They usually work in mundane labour un-intensive positions like HRD or GA or something that a monkey could do so they can concentrate on training. Works both ways for the athelete. They get sponsored(eg. companies pays for gyms, equipment, etc.) get a slary and all benefits like social insurance etc. and the company gets free advertising from the atheletes performances.


However, from the ex-baseball colleague of mine, the slary is not much more than what any other person their age in the company gets. However, there is performance based bonuses.


One of the main reasons for this system in J-land is the lack of professional sports people and the extremely low endorsement and other slalaries offered compared to the expenses that are incurred.


Tis a strange country this one.

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I fyou call sitting at a desk for only the am flicking through papers reporting the latest developments inteh company working; then yes they work.


Actually come to think about it sounds like my job \:D

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