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Seems Japan has ground to halt as the biggest news story of the year is upon us, more like has eveloped and smothered us. Sudden Newsflashes interupting the major channels. Are you engrossed? ambivalent or indifferent to it all?

Local people mostly all seem riveted by the news, while most foreigners here are not. so the poll lists your status.

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The Japanese have a very short memory when it comes to North Korea. Speak to normal, peaceful, usually very logical japanese friends about North Korea and many of them suddenly become snarling fire-breathing bigots. Scary! I know there are faults on both sides, it's just that I am shocked sometimes with the change that comes over some nihon-jin as soon as North Korea is mentioned.

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Its ironic how Japanese are inflamed about the abduction issue considering they tried to colonize Korea and China in the first place; guess the fact that it happened a long time ago changes everything? Wernt the abductees most likely taken by the Red Army too?


Whats the story with, whats his name, Jenkins I think, the American bloke who defected to N. Korea during the Korean War and wedded one of the Japanese abductees? He cant leave N. Korea and come to Japan because of the extradition agreement between Japan and the US. Some of my coworkers today have been going off on this topic all morning; theyre having their own roundtable discussion here and are about to solve the diplomatic issue singlehandedly :rolleyes:

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