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Looks like we'll be in Hak somewhere. I've never been there so I'm not familiar with the surrounding areas. We can catch you somewhere that works once we know for sure where we'll be.

Ticket is no prob. And beer too, of course. But where the hell are we going to get handmade sandwhiches from? slow? are you good with that kinda thing? slow probably knows better about where our accom is likely to be in relation to everything else.


Yes, if I skied as many days per season as you I'd definitely have a larger quiver than one ski....! Unfortunately that's currently not the case. (or maybe one pair per year is all I can justify!).


As for the Crossmax skis - they weren't mine, they let me use them at Rusutsu the last 2 years, so right now I have no skis at all. It could be an idea to rent, but who knows what I'd have to choose from, plus it's a hassle. Time to buy. Last skis I owned I bought in Whistler 10 years ago! lol.gif


Hey, thanks again.

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Yes, both with bindings. \:\)

I think I'm going to buy Bandit B2W. And I'll get fat skis for powder later, maybe next season if I get a boyfriend who can take me to powder together. ;\)

Legend 8000 looks good for sunrise. If you are thinking to buy them, let me know. I'll ask the shop guy to keep them.

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Does he have the women's version I mentioned somewhere in this thread? I hope i have some time next week to get back into my ski research. It's hard to buy without trying, but the dynas definitely looked interesting. What kind of bindings?

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Another ski that looks interesting for a 1 quiver ski is the Head Monster I.M 75 Chip SR2 (what a mouthful of a name!). Seems to be very versatile because of the chip in it, floating on pow and good on the groomers. Also, the bindings will allow you to easily move the mount point if you want to adjust it. Hmmm, another possible contender.

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