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Does anybody have any experience with investing in specifically environmentally friendly and socially progressive funds? Can you recommend any sources of information or specific brokers?


As long as I can get a better return than Japan, I figure I might as well invest some money in something that interests me...

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A well-rounded portfolio of ethical investments should do as well or better than conventional dodgy ones. As long as it offers better rates of return than Japanese banks, I'll be happy. I'm not interested in making easy money that screws up other people's lives.

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Ocean, define 'ethical'. I can find out some ethical co's in the UK for you, but by my definition of 'ethical' i'd research company's for myself, and then invest in them, come hell or high water, as long as they continue to manage the company appropriately and/or head in the right direction. Even with an 'ethical' firm, you may find they trade for maximum short-term profit, and not the health of the companies they're 'investing' in.


Find a broker, do your own research in a couple of companies you believe will make a diference and a profit in the mid-long term and you'll be serving your conscience and maybe still make a killing.


Here's a link to an off-shore broker, online access to most euro/North American markets... don't have to be ethical if you're choosing the stock.



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Ethical means anything that tends towards sustainable business, and that promotes fair trade. It favours companies that have environmental policies and progressive social policies. It is limited to companies that provide necessary products and services.


I think a definition like that would preclude ever 'making a killing', literally or figuratively.


I've found some brokers in the UK that specialize in ethical investments, but I wondered if anybody had any got any further than that and could make recommendations.






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Originally posted by Ocean11:

I think a definition like that would preclude ever 'making a killing', literally or figuratively.

Sure you can, if you're invested in R and D, or in the right 'ethical' company when the law changes to punish polluters or removes artificial price barriers, etc.

I understand the 'ethical' regarding a company's way of doing business, I just wonder if all brokerages claiming to manage 'ethical' funds trade in those companies 'ethically' or just trade in a regular fashion from a list of certified 'ethical' companies.

If their funds are posting higher returns than the individual companies they're investing in, then I would say they weren't entirely ethical. If they're posting lower returns, why would one go through a fund?

If you're just buying shares, the ethical bent of the broker is irrelevent.

Anyway, i'd be interested to here what you come up with.
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Originally posted by woywoy:
Where is DBs response on this one? Or, maybe there is no such thing as "ethical" investments?
O11, I got a good one for you.
I am looking for investors to finance my next project which will be 100% evnvironmental. On return I plan to return to Oz and grow "tomato's". The initial investment will finance the purchase of land on quality seeds. I can guarantee a fixed rate of 200% on the first years crop with options to extend and purchase a bigger share in the enterprise. No chemicals, no lights ( would be more profitable if we did use, but I realise your boundries)
email for a full prospectus today!
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