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Just Say No! That's my motto with these things. Christ, I spend more than enough time with these people every day anyway I'm not paying $40+ to spend more time with them. And all the superficial "friendship" vibes that go on - and completely disappear the following day. Nah, give it a miss. \:\)

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In my experience, turning down a boner is regarded as a highly subversive act and a slap in the face to all 'members'. Of my many transgressions at places of employment in Japan, that's the one that managers have particularly remembered and held against me at assessment time. 'Genki' staff resent you for the implicit criticism of the practice of paying through the nose for mediocre food and fake whoopee, and like-minded staff resent what they see as the foreigner's freedom of refusal.


However, having a quiet, tasty meal at home, enjoying some quality booze and the company of your family, and knowing that everybody at work now bears a grudge against you is quite a good feeling.


I'll be having a boner soon. Seeing as I have no workmates, I'll have to make do with whatever attractive young womens my friend/pimp at Ehime University can scrape together. \:D

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I remember you talking about that before Ocean11, you seemed to take much pleasure in turning down the enkai. \:D I can cope with them if I don't have to fork out myself, just about, but I really don't like having to spend all my cash on something I'm not interested in. Objection!!

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rach, actually I really agonized over it each time - nothing pleasurable about it. I knew how it would be regarded. But there comes a time when you have to say, "This is too much like torture, and enough is enough. Change the way you do it, or do without me." The only satisfaction that comes from it is not having to put up with the drunken buffoonery on that particularly night.


Having said that, I did attend some great boners at workplaces where I liked everybody, and the horseplay and the drunken chat with the bucho had some point.

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cal, you may well be frustrated tonight by the introduction of the 'seating lottery' that places you next to the 58-year old accounting kacho who has never learned the art of conversation.


One of my worst boners was where I elbowed my way to a place beside the lovely Takamoto-san, who in the course of the first hour transformed herself into a drunken, dribbling, arm-pawing harpy who could only have been restrained with MACE, which I had forgetten to bring with me.


Good ruck!

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