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Northern lights (Aurora in Kiyosato, Yamanashi)

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Last night we saw Auroras in Kiyosato, lots of bright colours and patterns. I took a few pics it was difficult to take as I only had my smart phone with me.

After that while star gazing we also saw a shooting star, so that made for a nice end to the evening.

Here are some photos:









They look really nice don' t they? Was my first time to see them.



Only joking not a real Aurora, but a light show made to look like them.

But actually last year Kiyosato really did have real Auroras during winter.


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It was an aurora / space event, basically using laser lights they produced aurora effects on the golf course there, it looked really good. Then we looked at the stars through some powerful telescopes that some of the local Yamanashi astronomers set up. They also explained about all the stars, etc, it was good.


But actually last year Auroras where really seen from Kiyosato.

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